Idena Chronicles

Epoch #0082

Published in
9 min readFeb 23, 2022


Network metrics

Active miners — total number of actively mining identities running their own mining nodes or delegated into mining pools.

Mining nodes — total number of full mining nodes run by individual identities or pool owners who activated online status.

Newcomers — number of addresses that validated for the first time

Success ratio — share of users attended the validation and successfully validated

Active wallets — unique wallets that made transactions during the last epoch


Network stats


Node type stats for the last validation

Nodes on VPS — users running their nodes on VPS

Built-in nodes — users of the Idena Desktop App with build-in node

Shared nodes (web) — Web App users renting shared nodes via marketplace

N/A — users running outdated versions of nodes (VPS/built-in nodes)

Unknown shared nodes (web ) — Web App users who connect to shared nodes that are not listed in the Idena shared nodes marketplace

The data is given for the latest validation.

To have a smooth and reliable validation ceremony experience, we recommend using VPS or built-in nodes if you have fast Internet connection and good router, or the nodes listed in the node marketplace in the official Idena Web App in other cases.

Reporting performance

Fortunately, the number of users who had used most of their reports over the last validation has increased — that proves that the community becomes more aware of how important it is to report and how reporting affects the security of the network. Also, there are fewer users who do not report. The situation with reporting slowly changes, and it seems that the community becomes more aware of reporting and its importance. We will keep monitoring the situation in dynamic for several more epochs and keep you updated.

We have also analyzed flip reporting for the last validation and tested a new reporting model: if to exclude from committees all identities who do not report, then the will be 3x more reported flips. For instance, for epoch #80 the number of reported flips would have grown from 1037 to 2974. The committees would have been smaller, but it would have been easier to reach a consensus on a bad flip. We intend to add this mechanic to the next fork. Also many thanks to @Bugaga_2000 for this proposal and productive discussion.

Many of us became more aware of the importance of reporting, but it’s not enough yet, and we have to keep going to secure the network. We have to repeat our call to arms: tell your invitees about the importance of reporting! Not only about the rewards, but also, and in the first place, about the effect of the reporting on the security of the network. Every identity that skips reporting is a weak link in the network security. Explain to your invitees why reporting is important. Tell them about the rewards and security. And check after the validation if all your invitees used their reports on bad flips.

Idena Core Team Development

Oracle voting about the time of the validation ceremony

Earlier this epoch, we have published an oracle voting proposing to change the time of the validation ceremony. As a result, the majority of the participants supported the proposal. However, to apply this change it has to be supported by the majority of the network nodes during one of the next hard forks.

Oracles in the Web App

The Oracles have been added to the Web App, you can find them in the Oracles section. The users who prefer to run Idena from the Web App can now vote, create oracles, and see the progress of the voting. And also, now you can share a link to the Idena oracle when you are making a proposal on one of the community platforms when you want to encourage people to vote, as simple as that:

New node version

In the last epoch, we have released the new version of the node v 0.28.5. The changes are focused mainly on improving the validation ceremony.

Settings screen and Shared Node Marketplace in mobile Web App

The mobile version of the Web App got a mobile-friendly Settings page and Shared Node Marketplace to provide the users with a better experience when buying the node.

Adversarial noise for more flip security

We understand the importance of AI-resistance of flips and we’ve been working on constructing adversarial noise for images. There are many published papers about adversarial attacks on neural networks. But most of these attacks do not work on such a powerful commercial computer vision API like Google Vision. We have made some progress on constructing effective noise that attacks computer vision in many cases.

These are the examples of images with such noise. As you can see, the objects are not recognized correctly by Google Vision and Google Image Search doesn’t provide correct results either.

The noise can be now added to the images with a stand-alone tool. Later we plan to add this tool to the Idena client to make it a part of the flip creation process.


Global community channels

Top active users

Community Discord leaderboard:

Telegram — Global community leaderboard:

Telegram — Idena Balkan leaderboard:

Telegram — Idena Italia leaderboard:

Telegram — Idena France leaderboard:

If you want to feature your telegram community leaderboard in the Idena Chronicles, please add ComBot to your telegram group and add @AndrewIdena to the list of group admins to give the Idena core team access to your group stats.

Idena website translations

Credits for the contribution (in brackets is the number of updated strings):


* Viktor Takács (7)


* Jovan (4)


* Vs Crs (161)

We invite you to join the idena translation community and contribute to the translation of the Idena website to your language!

If you want to take part in translation verification and funding, please contact Syd or Rioda to join the translation management workgroup.

Idena Affiliate Program

The rewards for the Idena Affiliate Program have been paid to all referrers who have validated candidates for the last validation:

Everyone can apply to become an affiliate. Get your referral link, invite people to Idena and earn for each validated identity you brought! Find how to start on the Affiliate Program page.

Community updates

Edited by Syd


Hello Idenians! This epoch was marked by some big news so without further ado let’s get into it!

Idena gaining attention following the Idena x Amasa partnership announcement

We start off the community updates with the announcement of the partnership between Idena and Amasa. ICYMI and for more details have a look at this Medium Article from Idena Team:

Following this announcement, shared on multiple media ( for instance), Idena Network found itself in the spotlight and gathered some traction in social networks. Yet, this is just the beginning, so stay tuned!

source :

How to participate in Idena Network, a Russian video guide by Irina Rauchenwald

On her Youtube channel, Irina Rauchenwald made a series of two great videos for Russian speakers explaining a few basics of Idena such as how to make flips, validate, and mine $IDNA.

Check it out!

Idena Runner: how to quickly start your Idena Node server, a guide by ltraveler

ltraveler, also known as Fireshift on Discord, made a useful newbie-friendly guide with a script for everyone to seamlessly set up its own Idena Node. You can find the guide and the script here:

An updated roadmap involving the community…

Did you notice? Idena team updated the roadmap and added some new targets!

We made some buzz about it on Twitter, so don’t hesitate to share it:

As a community let’s have this ambition and give all the support to build together an even better Idena.

Comment from the core team: we are preparing a post with comments to the updated roadmap and will publish it soon, stay tuned!

Share the word — make people join the democratic borderless world with Idena…

By inviting, welcoming new people every day, and making them discover a new paradigm with Idena.

On that note… welcome Crowsama!

Community Governance

First IIP — Time of the Validation Ceremony

Idena Improvement Proposals (IIPs) are a new governance tool for Idena, inspired by many other successful crypto projects, and detailed on the following link:

Following this established process, the first IIP was proposed by a member of the Idena Team regarding the time of the validation ceremony (, which resulted in an Oracle vote:

You are all welcome to elaborate your IIP following the rules and process established in the documentation and thus, participate in Idena Governance. Everyone can be a force of proposal.

Community Wallet

Address: 0x943832AfD0C54136eeb4bBdA2cfb8579F86F63Cc

Amount (19th February 2022): 28 876,992 iDNA

The governance project is still an ongoing work (ICYMI, Ubiubi proposal:

Rioda is making major work at the moment, despite all the challenges he encounters, in order to enable multisig and Ubiubi2018 proposal. This is a crucial step that is possible thanks to his dedication.

Meanwhile, if you are interested in working and/or discussing this topic, please come to Idena Discord and join the dedicated channel (#community-wallet-governance).

Join the Idena community:



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Proof-of-Person blockchain. Idena is a novel way to formalize people on the web: