Idena Chronicles

Published in
8 min readOct 18, 2021


Epoch #0076: network splits in shards, training validation helps to get invite, protocol rewards for reporting flips

Network metrics

Active miners — total number of actively mining identities running their own mining nodes or delegated into mining pools.

Mining nodes — total number of full mining nodes run by individual identities or pool owners who activated online status.

Newcomers — number of addresses that validated for the first time

Success ratio — share of users attended the validation and successfully validated

Active wallets — unique wallets that made transactions during the last epoch


Network stats


Idena Core Team Development

Training Validation results

The last validation ceremony was the first one where the community used training validation certificates to issue invites.

The results show that invitation seekers with certificates have more chances to receive an invitation:

The share of users who received an invitation using their training validation certificates

And the higher the level of certificate, the higher is the chance that the candidate will attend and pass the validation:

The share of invited users who attended the validation

To prevent possible confusion between certificate levels and make the difference more evident, the certificates were renamed:

Beginner → Easy

Expert → Medium

Master → Hard

During the last validation ceremony, 8155 identities, or 79% of the network, validated on the Web App.

Sharding: identities assigned to shards

After the last validation ceremony, the network was split into four shards.

The shards will be shuffled and the shard size rebalanced after each validation.

The candidates are randomly assigned to the smallest shards. After the validation, the identities are shuffled into new shards.

The flips are distributed and solved inside the shards. So, your flips will be solved by an identity inside your shard. And you will be challenged with the flips from an identity inside your shard.

The node prioritizes the connection to the other nodes inside the same shard. The shared nodes are multi shard: they can connect to all nodes from all shards.

During the short flip session, the keys are distributed inside the shard, which reduces the network load.

Network performance charts and pool statistics in Explorer

Idena Explorer has a new and shiny dashboard with epoch stats and gauges. Now you can see the stage of the current epoch, check the share of invites activated, and assess network dynamics on different chart types.

Flip reporting rewards paid

The users who reported flips on the last validation were rewarded for their effort by new protocol mechanics. Flip reporting rewards were introduced in the Ishara hard fork to increase the quality of the flips. Some newbies received significant rewards for reporting. Even newbies can get rewards for reporting, and without reporting rewards there was no way they could earn such big rewards on the first validation. That is a good example and a call to action for the new users: pay due diligence to reporting, report bad flips carefully, and you will be rewarded.

Total rewards paid for flip reporting: 72,194 iDNA

Maximum reporting rewards for individual identity: 208.75 iDNA

New flip vocabulary in use

The next validation will be the first one that will employ the flips made with the words from the new vocabulary. The vocabulary was updated in the Ishara hard fork to improve flip quality and to make reporting criteria clearer.

Some users reported that creating flips became more interesting, and it is good to have different dictionary concept for a change. What do you think about the new vocabulary? Have the flips changed? Is it easier or harder now to make the flips? Share your thoughts in the comments, we appreciate your feedback!


Global community channels

Top active users

Community Discord leaderboard:

Telegram — Global community leaderboard:

Telegram — Idena Balkan leaderboard:

Telegram — Idena Italia leaderboard:

Telegram — Idena Vietnamese Group leaderboard:

If you want to feature your telegram community leaderboard in the Idena Chronicles, please add ComBot to your telegram group and add @AndrewIdena to the list of group admins to give the Idena core team access to your group stats.

Idena website translations

Credits for the contribution (in brackets is the number of updated strings):


* Kazunori Seki (59)


* Yolanda (77)


* MickeyK (40)

Chinese (Simplified)

* Zhao Yuhao (7)


* EgyptianPharaoh (58)


* Artem (19)

* RS (24)

Chinese (Traditional)

* Morgan.Lee (228)

We invite you to join the idena translation community and contribute to the translation of the Idena website to your language!

If you want to take part in translation verification and funding, please contact Syd or Rioda to join the translation management workgroup.

Idena Affiliate Program

The rewards for the Idena Affiliate Program have been paid to all referrers who have validated candidates for the last validation:

Everyone can apply to become an affiliate. Get your referral link, invite people to Idena and earn for each validated identity you brought! Find how to start on the Affiliate Program page.

Join-Idena landing page for affiliate traffic was removed from the website navigation menu. Now it can be opened only with a direct link.

The navigation menu was also changed: now it has the Web App button as the main action. This was done to focus new users on creating their accounts in the app instead of looking for an invitation code. And invite search and activation were made a part of the in-app onboarding.

Join-Idena page is still available for the affiliates. We are working on updating the page to make it more engaging and more self-explanatory for a fresh user who is not familiar with Idena and has a short attention window to make their choice. A call to all affiliate program participants: if you have ideas on how to make the Join-Idena page better, we will be glad to hear your thoughts!

Community updates

Edited by Syd

Welcome sharding! Idena can now scale more than ever without compromising its decentralization thanks to the Proof-of-Person consensus mechanism, making another huge step in order to resolve the famous blockchain trilemma. As a community, let’s spread the word about this huge technical achievement, and let’s start to encourage even more people to join the network!

Thanks to EDM for his original and incredible art to celebrate this event

Congratulations as well to MickeyK for getting 100 Idena after winning the guessing game organized by EDM on Idena Discord!

The Defiant mentioned Idena in an article on Decentralized Identity

Idena was described there as “the first proof-of-person blockchain based on democratic principles”, no less! Check it out:

A guide by tete-steem on How to mine Idena on Android

Check out this quick simple guide if you fancy trying mining on your Android:

Idena is getting even more democratic and decentralized every day thanks to these community initiatives!

Idena Identity Explorer by Tux.Lector

Tux.Lector made an alternative and identity-focused explorer that you can visit:

You can also help the project with translations on the discord dedicated channel #idena-hardcoder

Notable tweets :

  • Some Idena art from @idenaperson, give this new account a follow!
  • A great initiative: @SteamPunksBlock sharing @EDM video promoting Idena. As a great marketing tool, don’t hesitate to share it as well on social networks!

Community Wallet

Adress : 0x943832AfD0C54136eeb4bBdA2cfb8579F86F63Cc

Amount (27th July 2021) : 18 876,992 iDNA

Following further discussions, the Idena Core team announced a prize of 5k $IDNA regarding the establishment of the Community Wallet Governance mechanisms.

I encourage everyone to participate and brainstorm with us in the discord dedicated channel before the 31st of October.

Detailed announcement :

“To stimulate the discussion and endorse the efforts of the participants the core team announces a bounty for the best proposal of the community wallet governance mechanics.

The participants should post a detailed description of the governance mechanics for the community wallet. Proposals can be posted on any publication platform.

The best proposal will be chosen by the whole-network oracle voting initiated by the core team when the list of proposals is finalized. The oracle will also have a “no proposal is good enough” option in the voting which will return the reward to the foundation wallet.

The reward from the core team is set to 5K iDNA. The reward can be later increased by the community as a crowdfunding initiative.

The proposals are accepted in the community-wallet-use channel on Idena Discord starting from now on until October 31. After that, on November 1 the oracle voting will be started”.

Join the Idena community:




Proof-of-Person blockchain. Idena is a novel way to formalize people on the web: