Idena Flip Reporting Lottery — Epoch 75

Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2021

Flips are the key element of Idena security. It is important to exclude flips that do not meet the rules (

Every vote matters: to report a flip 51% of the qualification committee is needed. Let’s make our flips better!

We propose Idena Flip Reporting Lottery for this validation.

Prize pool: 10,000 iDNA

Number of winners: 100

The prize pool is distributed evenly, each winner gets 100 iDNA.

Who can participate in the Reporting lottery

Participants who meet the following criteria for the validation when the lottery takes place:

  • have been successfully validated;
  • have no validation penalties;
  • have successfully reported at least one flip during the long session.

How we choose winners

  1. The list of contenders is sorted alphabetically in ascending order
  2. We take the first Idena block mined in the new epoch following the validation.
  3. We take the first 3 bytes of the block’s hash.
  4. The resulting number is the first winner’s number in the list of contenders. As this number is larger than the number of the addresses that take part in the raffle, when we have counted to the end of the list, we begin to count again from top to bottom.
  5. We wait for the second block of the new epoch following the validation to be mined and repeat the procedure to determine the second winner. Thus, we repeat the calculation 100 times.
  6. In case of collision (the same winner is selected twice) we take the first 3 bytes of the block’s hash and multiply it by 2, 3, 4 and etc. until collision is resolved.



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