Idena hard fork announcement

Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2020

We plan to release a new version of the Idena node on May 14, 2020. It will be a hard fork.

There are the following changes planned:

1. Flips qualification improvements

  • The threshold of reported flips is reduced from 66% to 50%. Answers to reported flips are not taken into account in the short session score and in the Total score.
  • No changes for the long session: Answers to reported flips are taken into account.

2. Anti-spam protection

  • The minimum transaction fee will be tied to the network size. At the same time, the dynamic fee model remains valid (if the block is filled by more than 50%, then the fee starts growing proportionally). Minimum DNA per byte = max (1e-16; 0.1 / NetworkSize). Minimum fee rate is calculated for each block depending on the current network size. For example, with the network size of 2300 nodes and DNA price of $ 0.10, the minimum transaction fee is $ 0.00043.
  • Dust addresses cleaning: All addresses having the balance less than the size of the minimum fee will be reset to zero when a new epoch begins.

3. Maximum transaction size limit increased to 3 kb.

4. Maximum epoch duration limited to 28 days.

5. Bug fixes

  • Additional issuance of invitations to identities which have the score equal to the minimum threshold.
  • Payment of rewards for previously issued invitations to identities that switched their status from Suspended / Zombie to Verified / Human.
  • Mandatory flips per user are rolled back to 3 starting from the next epoch (# 0045). During the current epoch ( # 0044), 4 flips are mandatory for everyone.

An additional announcement will be published before the update.



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