Idena social media bounty campaign results

Published in
2 min readFeb 18, 2020

Here are the results of the Idena’s first social media bounty campaign.

According to the campaign rules, the rewards are paid for unique posts about Idena published during the dates of the campaign on the following social media platforms: Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, Medium. The reward amount is calculated according to the number of likes and shares received by a unique post of a bounty campaign participant during the campaign. The minimal number of likes and shares combined for one post submission is 20. All duplicate submissions are disqualified.

All the qualified submissions are to be rewarded as the current bounty campaign fund limit of 10,000 DNA is not exceeded.

If a qualified post does not contain the author’s Idena wallet address, the submission is marked as “Wallet address to be confirmed”. The awarded bounties will be sent as soon as the authors of Twitter and Reddit pending submissions pm to Idena their wallet address in Twitter or Reddit respectively.

The Idena team decided to award two additional incentive prizes to participants who formally do not meet the campaign rules:

  • 1000 DNA to @Avisky for their active support of Idena in Twitter
  • 1500 DNA to @Jilani for their two educational YouTube videos about Idena posted before the campaign starting date



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