Translate the Idena app into your language

Published in
2 min readFeb 18, 2020

The Idena team announces a bounty auction & campaign for translations.

Files for translation

How to participate

1. Win the auction before doing the work

  • Bid for your price (in DNA) to do the translation of both files into one of the suggested languages in the #translations-pt1 Discord channel
  • Suggest an additional language if you are ready to do the translation into it and bid your price (in DNA) in the #translations-pt1 Discord channel

The auction will be closed at 13:30 UTC on February 23, 2020.

There is an undisclosed threshold for this work. If the lowest offers exceed it, the auction winners will not be chosen. Otherwise the winners will be announced on February 24, 2020.

2. Do the translation if you are the winner

You will have a week to submit the result.

The submitted work will be checked and paid for within a month.


Idena is a novel way to formalise people on the blockchain. It does not collect or store personally identifiable information. Idena proves the humanness and uniqueness of its participants by running an AI-hard Turing test at the same time for everyone around the globe.

The Idena blockchain is driven by proof-of-person consensus: Every node is linked to a cryptoidentity: one single person with equal voting power.



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Proof-of-Person blockchain. Idena is a novel way to formalize people on the web: