Trust the Process and Grow Through It

Jessica Contessa
Identify Her Daily
Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2019

by Keonna Shaw

“Commit your works to the LORD [submit and trust them to Him], And your plans will succeed [if you respond to His will and guidance].”

‭‭PROVERBS‬ ‭16:3‬ ‭AMP‬‬

How many of you ever tried to assemble anything without looking at the instructions? Or you started out looking at the instructions and decided you would figure out the other half by yourself? But once you got to the end, you figured out you did it wrong or got distracted and had to undo a few bolts and screws. You realized the manual was a necessary piece to the puzzle. I know there has been a time where I decided to leave it as is, but going back later to undo the mistakes.

Two weeks ago, I found myself frustrated with a project. God gave me a vision. I have the map, I just need to put in some work.

I said cool beans.

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I got this!

As I began the project, I was excited I had this fresh momentum. I was having a party on the inside of my head rejoicing already. And BOOM!! Attacked by the enemy.

I tried my best to keep going.

I felt so defeated and frustrated; I began to cry. My husband said,” Do you think the devil was going to make it easy for you to complete this assignment?”

Even though I cried for two hours until I fell asleep; I came to the realization that this wasn’t going to be simple easy at all. My focus has to be entirely on God and what he has called me to do this season.

I’m going to have to WAR for this thang!

The next two days, God began to reveal to me in dreams, and through others why I was being attacked.

I know at this point you’re waiting for the end of the story, from beginning to end.

That is my point; we want to start and see the finished product.

Some of you have started a project, business, new job, ministry, and it does not look like the vision God gave you. You started with the intention of perfection, finished, successful ONLY. You may have started a healing process in your journey. Before this moment, you have prayed for this process in your journey.

Honestly, you didn’t see anything that could go wrong, didn’t factor in attacks of the enemy, no money coming in, slow business, or none at all.

There will be a phase we didn’t factor in or think of what all it entailed.

Keep your eyes on what God has given you, ask for wisdom and guidance. Don’t get caught up in doing things your way or based on how you feel. Always refer to the manual.

Keep Jesus at the forefront and stay the course.

Keonna Shaw is the Founder of Christian Blog Chasing After You. Christian Blog | Chasing After You

Chasing After You is a Christian Blog for Every Believer to be Empowered. Encouraged. Equipped. Author for Majestic Daughters Empowerment, Team Lead for Majestic Daughters Teen Mentoring Program, Consultant for Truth Written. I’m just out her trusting God.

Follow Her on Social Media

Instagram Page: chasing_afteryou

Twitter: 1_Blessd_Mommy

Facebook: Keonna Shaw



Jessica Contessa
Identify Her Daily

Author and Publisher at, Writer and Editor @identifyherdaily and @eightyforth