Securing Your React App to Combat the Common Threats

Nipuni Bhagya
Identity Beyond Borders
9 min read6 days ago

In today’s digital landscape, web applications are prime targets for various security threats. React, a JavaScript library widely used to create user interfaces is not an exception either. Security of React Applications is crucial because it will protect sensitive user information and instill trust in users’ minds. This article will explore the most common security vulnerabilities facing React applications and highlight possible mitigation strategies. You can ensure the integrity and protection of your application and its users through these measures.

Understanding Common Threats to React Applications

1. Broken Access Control

React applications with broken access control experience significant vulnerabilities that could lead to unauthorized activities and data leakage. A major problem occurs when there is a violation of the least privileges or deny-by-default policy. This happens where access is wide rather than oriented toward specific roles, capabilities, or users. If access control policies are not strictly enforced, sensitive data and functionalities can be breached by unauthorized people. Major elements of broken access control vulnerabilities include:

Violating the Principle of Least Privilege: Access should be restricted to specific capabilities, roles, or users. This leads to unauthorized operations.

By-Passing Access Control Checks: Attackers could also sign URLs (parameter tampering or force browsing), internal application states, and HTML pages. API requests with modified tools may also circumvent access controls resulting in unauthorized access to protected resources.

Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR): Allowing another user’s account can be viewed or edited by anyone who knows its unique identifier. Therefore, this happens when internal objects( i.e. database records) are referenced directly without proper authorization checks.

Missing Access Controls for API Endpoints: For example, strict access controls must exist for critical API endpoints like POST, PUT and DELETE). When these endpoints are not secured unauthorized data manipulation is possible.

Elevation of Privilege: Attackers can act as authorized users without logging in or increase their privileges from a standard user to an admin due to session management flaws or inadequate validation of user roles.

Metadata Manipulation: This means that manipulating JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), cookies, or hidden fields can yield privilege escalation bypassing access controls. To illustrate, replaying a JWT might replace content with new values while tampering with it would completely change the contents.

2. Cryptographic Failures

Cryptographic failures occur when an application fails to sufficiently protect sensitive information, including personal data, credit card details, and authentication credentials. This important information may be misused or gained illegal access to as a result of the lack of protection. Sensitive information can leak in a number of ways, including:

Transmission of Unencrypted Data: When sensitive data is transmitted over the internet unencrypted, it leaves room for malevolent actors to intercept it. This might occur as a result of insecure HTTP connections or inadequate encryption techniques, which provide hackers the ability to intercept conversations and obtain private information.

Inadequate Data Storage Protection: Sensitive information is vulnerable to breaches if it is not stored securely. This can involve utilising inadequate encryption techniques, keeping data in plaintext without encryption, or not putting in place sufficient access controls. Without these safeguards, attackers can easily gain access to databases or storage systems and exfiltrate sensitive information.

3. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Attackers can inject dangerous scripts into web pages that unwary visitors view, using a technique known as cross-site scripting (XSS). By taking advantage of security flaws in the browser, these scripts can gain access to private data like cookies and session tokens, jeopardising user accounts and session integrity.

Furthermore, XSS attacks have the ability to alter and rewrite HTML information, which could result in the site being defaced, users being redirected to rogue websites, or other criminal actions. XSS vulnerabilities in React applications include, for example:

Directly Injecting User Input into the DOM: Without validation or escaping, attackers can exploit this to execute malicious scripts.
Using dangerouslySetInnerHTML Without Proper Sanitization: Bypassing React’s built-in protections by allowing raw HTML to be inserted into the DOM without thorough sanitization can introduce significant XSS vulnerabilities.

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4. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

An attack known as Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) deceives a user into acting without their knowledge or consent on a web application where they are currently authenticated. This exploit preys on the trust that a web application has in the browser of the user. Usually, a hacker creates a malicious request that is intended to carry out particular tasks, like making a money transfer or altering account preferences, and inserts it into a script or link. The browser transmits the request to the web application along with the authentication cookie when the user clicks on the malicious link, allowing unauthorized actions to occur.

5. Vulnerable and Outdated Components

Ensuring all client-side and server-side components are up-to-date and secure is essential to guarantee the security of a React application. Organizations that do not know the versions of all the components they use, including nested and direct dependencies, are at serious risk. Potential security vulnerabilities may go undiscovered and neglected as a result of this ignorance, raising the possibility of exploitation. Additionally, the organization may be exposed to known vulnerabilities for extended periods of time if timely repairs or upgrades are neglected based on risk assessment. It takes proactive management, consistent vulnerability scanning, prompt patching, and extensive testing to reduce the hazards connected to obsolete and susceptible components.

6. Identification and Authentication Failures

Failures in identification and authentication allow for a variety of automated attacks that can compromise user accounts, which poses serious security issues. For example, credential stuffing is the practice of an attacker gaining unauthorized access by exploiting a list of legitimate usernames and passwords. Systems that permit automated attacks, such as brute force attacks, make the issue worse by giving hackers the ability to repeatedly guess passwords. Typical problems consist of:

Weak Password Policies: Allowing default, weak, or well-known passwords such as “Password1” or “admin/admin” makes it easier for attackers to gain access.
Weak Credential Recovery Processes: Methods such as “knowledge-based answers” are insecure and easily exploitable.
Absence or Ineffectiveness of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): MFA is a crucial defense against unauthorized access.
Session Management Flaws: Exposing session identifiers in the URL, reusing session identifiers after successful login, or failing to correctly invalidate session IDs can leave user sessions vulnerable to exploitation.

Mitigation Strategies for Common Threats

1. Implement Secure Authentication and Authorization

To mitigate identification and authentication failures, several key security practices can be implemented. Enforcing strict password regulations encourages the use of complex passwords, enhancing password security. Additionally, application administrators should integrate multi-factor authentication (MFA) to provide an extra layer of security. Proper session management is crucial; this includes using secure session cookies, setting appropriate expiration durations, and invalidating sessions upon logout.

Identity providers (IdPs) play a significant role in mitigating broken access control and identification and authentication failures. By centralizing authentication processes, IdPs offer robust and scalable authentication solutions, including support for MFA and strong password policies. They also provide standardized protocols for secure session management and token validation, reducing the risk of session hijacking and replay attacks. Implementing identity provider services ensures consistent and secure authentication across applications, helping organizations improve the overall security of their authentication processes and significantly lower the risk of unauthorized access.

2. Protecting Sensitive Data

Encryption Techniques for Protecting Sensitive Data: When handling confidential information in our React applications we need to use strong encryption methods. To ensure that data sent between the client and server is private and shielded from interception, we can use HTTPS to encrypt data while it is in transit. To prevent unwanted access to stored data even in the event that the storage media is compromised, it is also advisable to encrypt critical data while it is at rest using reliable encryption techniques.

Secure Storage Solutions: To protect sensitive data it is also crucial to implement secure storage mechanisms to further enhance data protection. We need to handle session data and other sensitive information, by making use of secure storage solutions like secure cookies, IndexedDB, or workers for client-side data storage. Strong security measures offered by these solutions help in preventing tampering and unwanted access.

3. Leverage Default ReactJS XSS Protection

To prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks in React applications, there are several key practices we can implement in our applications. Most importantly we need to utilize React’s built-in mechanisms to escape any dynamic content rendered within the application, as React automatically escapes values embedded in JSX to prevent XSS vulnerabilities. Developers evade this security when using dangerouslySetInnerHTML. My advice is to avoid it at all costs unless necessary; if its use is unavoidable, use libraries like DOMPurify to sanitize HTML content before rendering it, ensuring that any potentially harmful code is neutralized. By following these practices, developers can significantly enhance the security of their React applications against XSS attacks.

4. Preventing CSRF Attacks

To ensure protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks, we need to implement CSRF tokens by including a unique token in forms and verifying it on the server side. This makes sure that each request is legitimate and prevents unauthorized actions. We can also configure cookies with the SameSite attribute to prevent them from being sent along with cross-site requests. This reduces the risk of CSRF by ensuring that cookies are only sent with same-site requests. To further improve overall security, carefully set up Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to restrict which domains can make requests to your server. This helps control and limit interactions from external sources.

5. Keeping ReactJS and Dependencies Updated

It is essential to keep ReactJS and its dependencies up to date. Vulnerabilities in outdated software can be exploited by hackers to compromise applications. Updating ReactJS and its libraries and frameworks on a regular basis guarantees that performance enhancements and security patches are implemented, lowering the possibility of exploitation. Finding and fixing dependency issues can be made easier by putting automated tools like Dependabot or npm audit into use. Developers can mitigate risks proactively by keeping up with the latest React ecosystem changes and best practices. Updates can be prioritized and integrated into the development process to help teams strengthen their React apps’ security posture and defend them from new threats.


Securing React applications against common threats is essential to making sure your application is reliable and legitimate. Especially in this ever-evolving digital ecosystem where security threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, it is crucial to stay vigilant and proactive in implementing your line of defense to combat these threats.

By adopting strong authentication mechanisms, such as those offered by OOTB identity providers like Asgardeo, and following best practices for input sanitization, CSRF protection, and data encryption developers can significantly reduce the risk of security breaches.

Also, keeping the ReactJS and its dependencies up to date is another fundamental practice that helps mitigate potential vulnerabilities. Furthermore, maintaining your application’s security against newly identified threats requires regular vulnerability scanning, timely patch application, and comprehensive update testing.

Remember that security is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Continuous vigilance and the integration of strong security measures into your development lifecycle are essential to safeguarding your applications. Regular security audits, penetration testing, and staying informed about the latest security trends and vulnerabilities will help you stay ahead of potential threats.

By putting these security measures into practice, you may give your users a safe environment, safeguarding their private data and building a sense of confidence in your application. Let’s work together to make the web a safer place, one secure React application at a time.

I’ve attached some references for you to explore further. I hope you find them helpful and informative. If you have any questions or need additional guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Happy coding!


OWASP Top Ten:
React Documentation:
Asgardeo Documentation:



Nipuni Bhagya
Identity Beyond Borders

Software Engineer at WSO2 | Graduated from the University of Westminster, UK.