Solving 5 Developer IAM Nightmares

Hasini Samarathunga
Identity Beyond Borders
6 min readMay 31, 2024
A developer working on an Identity and Access Management (IAM) system (AI generated).

Can Identity Providers (IDPs) be the lifeline for Developers? In the post-COVID era, digitization has become more critical than ever, driving businesses across various sectors to invest heavily in establishing their online presence to attract and engage consumers effectively. This big shift has highlighted just how crucial customer experience is for a business to thrive. In this rapidly evolving digital landscape, secure and customized Consumer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) solutions are essential for building seamless and secure consumer experiences. However, while businesses prioritize CIAM to enhance consumer interactions, developing comprehensive, secure, and user-friendly Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions remains a significant challenge.

Developers, while managing their tight schedules to get the business logic working, often face the additional challenge of developing IAM solutions to suit their use case. Even though IAM is critically important, it often feels overwhelming among other pressing tasks. Developers might begin with a simple login screen, feeling a sense of accomplishment just by centering it properly. Next, they typically implement basic username and password authentication. However, the security of an enterprise system cannot rely on such basic measures. We have moved into an era where security has become a crucial part of the consumer experience.

This reality shows that building a robust IAM solution is not just a minor project add-on but a major task on its own. The complexity and importance of IAM can be overwhelming, often leaving developers feeling frustrated. The key to simplifying this process is to use an out-of-the-box IDP. The IAM market offers a wide range of capabilities, so developers can pick solutions that best fit their specific needs.

In this article, we will guide readers through the common pain points developers encounter when implementing IAM from the ground up and how using an IDP can effectively address these challenges.

Ensuring Security — Not as Simple as Locking a Door

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Implementing even basic IAM protocols like authentication, authorization, and access control from scratch demands a solid understanding of security principles. Without deep expertise in this area, you could risk potential data breaches, unauthorized access, and legal issues. There’s also the need to stick to strong privacy and security standards such as GDPR, CCPA, and similar data protection laws. Ultimately, robust security measures are essential to enrich the overall user experience.

Solution: Adopting an out-of-the-box IDP offers built-in security features that adhere to the latest best practices and protocols. These solutions manage most of the IAM concepts at their core. They are regularly updated to guard against emerging threats, ensuring your application processes and procedures remain secure without having to concern yourself with security details.

Additionally, the role of IDPs extends beyond simply Identity use cases. They provide valuable insights and monitoring capabilities. This allows us to monitor user activities within the application by providing visibility into authentication and access patterns. This could help us identify anomalies in user activities, such as multiple login failures, which could point to possible security threats that the system poses. IDPs have further improved this by integrating AI and ML capabilities into their IAM systems. In doing so, we mitigate risks and enhance the overall user experience by upholding the integrity and confidentiality of user data.

Complexity of Requirements — The Swiss Army Knife Dilemma

Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

Why do modern enterprise applications require so many sophisticated security measures? Back in the day, a simple username and password would be enough. Now, the login process resembles a Swiss army knife working overtime, with essential requirements like MFA, RBAC, SSO, etc.

Why does integrating these demanding but much-needed requirements into your application pose such difficulty?

  • Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): Requires synchronized authentication across platforms while maintaining security and user experience.
  • Role-based Access Control (RBAC): Involves assigning precise permissions within complex structures to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Needs careful coordination of protocols to ensure secure, efficient authentication across applications.

Solution: An IDP simplifies these complex requirements with pre-configured support for MFA, RBAC, SSO, and countless other security features. These solutions offer easy integration with third-party services, extensive role management tools, and a seamless user experience. This significantly reduces the time and complexity involved, making it incredibly user-friendly that even a novice can meet the security needs of your enterprise application.

Scalability — Navigating Growth

Photo by Stephen Phillips on Unsplash

Predicting the growth of your user base is nearly impossible. Whether it’s one user or a million, your application’s IAM system must handle the load while maintaining performance and reliability, especially during peak seasons and unexpected surges such as Black Friday. This requires robust scalability strategies to accommodate sudden spikes in traffic and ensure seamless user experiences regardless of the demand fluctuations.

Solution: IDPs are designed with scalability in mind. They effortlessly scale with your application, utilizing cloud infrastructure and sophisticated cloud strategies like load balancing to manage traffic spikes. This ensures that your application runs smoothly and consistently, regardless of the user load. With an IDP, the Identity capabilities of your application can grow alongside your user base without compromising speed, performance, or reliability.

Maintenance and Updates — The Never-Ending Cycle

Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

Our work as developers continues beyond project completion, even when we crave a break. We must continuously maintain and update the system to address security vulnerabilities, introduce new features, and adapt to ever-changing standards and regulations.

Solution: An IDP alleviates the burden of maintenance by automating software updates and security patches. This automation offloads you from routine maintenance tasks, allowing you to focus on core application development and finally take a well-deserved break.

Furthermore, most IDPs offer comprehensive documentation, dedicated support, and a vibrant community to assist you every step of the way. This ensures that you have all the resources you need at your fingertips, helping you to navigate through any challenges with ease.

User Experience — Walking the Tightrope between Convenience and Security

Photo by Loic Leray on Unsplash

Balancing convenience and security within an IAM system is similar to walking a tightrope in a circus. On one hand, the users want easy access and streamlined experiences, while on the other, robust security measures are crucial to safeguard sensitive data. Finding the sweet spot between these two is a complex task.

Solution: An out-of-the-box IDP can strike the right balance between convenience and security within an IAM system. They provide intuitive UI, simplified account management, and seamless integration with various applications. At the same time, they implement strict security measures as we have discussed earlier. This ensures that the users enjoy smooth access to resources while maintaining the highest standards of data security and compliance.


Implementing a solid IAM system for an enterprise application isn’t exactly a walk in the park. As developers, we understand that it requires significant effort and time. It involves navigating a maze of customer-specific requirements. It’s a journey that demands dedication, persistence and an extensive amount of resources.

However, with an out-of-the-box IDP, we can overcome these hurdles and build secure, efficient, and user-friendly IAM systems with ease.

Remember, you’re not in this alone. IDPs are designed to take the heavy lifting off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on developing the core features of your application while ensuring a secure and seamless IAM experience for your users.

So, to answer our initial question. Can Identity Providers be the lifeline for Developers? Yes. The next time you start building your application, consider trying an IDP. Happy coding!

