Configuring the Keystore With CA-Signed Certificate in WSO2 Identity Server

Tharindu B. Hewage
Identity Unlocked
Published in
10 min readMar 26, 2019



When you tried the playground app with WSO2 Identity Server, did you notice that before going into the management console, the above warning message is displayed?.

And also, there will be a Not Secure warning added to the URL too.

What actually happened was...

Browser sees the user is trying to access the management console of the Identity Server, https://localhost:9443/carbon. It then asks from the identity server,

“Prove that you really own localhost!

Identity Server then immediately provide its public certificate to the browser.

“Well, here is a certificate says that I own localhost

Well, the poor Identity Server packs something called, a self-signed public certificate OOTB. Which says,

“Hi, guys!. I own localhost domain name. Please trust my word for it!”

