Reuben Bramanathan Joins IDEO CoLab Ventures

IDEO CoLab Ventures
IDEO CoLab Ventures
2 min readDec 18, 2020

We’re excited to end 2020 on a high note.

We’re thrilled to announce that Reuben Bramanathan is joining IDEO CoLab Ventures as an Investor. Reuben will play a major role in the next phase of IDEO CoLab Ventures and its growth as one of the leading venture firms and venture builders in the crypto space.

Reuben is someone we’ve known and have loved working with for a long time. We’ve had the pleasure to work with him closely on fair launch capital, IDEO’s DeFi Incubator program, as well as a number of shared investments. Reuben is not only a builder at heart, but he also shares IDEO’s core values, which makes working with him so enjoyable.

In addition to being an early Coinbase employee, Reuben is a top advisor, angel investor, and pioneer in the crypto space. Reuben has helped guide projects through complex regulatory and token design challenges. He has also been at the forefront of the social token space — using crypto to empower and enhance communities — including launching his own personal token $CNSL and helping creators and startups launch social tokens to their communities. We believe “Crypto Social” is the next area where crypto will take off, and we’re excited for Reuben to help lead our team’s thinking, work, and investments there in addition to DeFi, Web 3.0, and more.

We’re trying to build at IDEO CoLab Ventures a fundamentally different type of venture firm — one that’s native to the crypto community and upholds the values of openness, giving, and collaboration. We’re building a venture firm that is hands-on in the design, development, and governance of these decentralized networks. For all of those reasons and more, we can’t think of anyone better than Reuben to help lead us on this quest over the months and years to come.

IDEO was founded nearly four decades ago on a very simple principle: David Kelley “just wanted to do cool sh*t with his friends.” Today, that spirit and tradition continues. We now get to work with one of our best friends, and we’re really excited to go do cool sh*t together.



IDEO CoLab Ventures
IDEO CoLab Ventures

Where venture meets design. We invest in big ideas and good humans.