Welcome 2017 Summer Fellows

Release the genius

IDEO CoLab Ventures
IDEO CoLab Ventures
3 min readJun 23, 2017


Twice a year, during each CoLab Fellowship, our fellows dream up new tools and systems that have the potential to change how we operate in the world — and then they build them.

Day 1: Developing the first prototype

From a blockchain-based news media crowdsourcing platform to a new way of making sense of local events, our fellows continue to push the envelope in the span of each 9-week program. Each new prototype the fellows develop opens up a host of questions and visions for the future. What will life be like if blockchain extends to the homebuying experience? How will we reframe our identities in a world where everything is attributable and accountable in a digital ledger? What can AI teach us about ourselves, as we teach it about the world?

Campfire share with the Boston fellows

CoLab Fellows have a knack for asking the right questions. This summer, we have an exceptionally diverse and create group of fellows on our roster coming together to build solutions.

The Summer 2017 Fellows

The Fellows

We have designers and engineers from Stanford, MIT, Cornell, a behavioral economics specialist, a former business development specialist at Uber, an artist who works in three-dimensional resin prints, and a woman who envisions a blockchain protocol for the maker movement. We also have a music producer, an ex-journalist who created a fake news filter, and (why not?) a vibraphone player.

As diverse as our fellows are, there are a few core characteristics that tie them all together. Member Lead Becca Chacko sums up the group, “We look for individuals with craft expertise, an instinct to make, and an overall collaborative spirit. Oh, and they also need to be major tech nerds.”

Joel Kwartler, a two-time former CoLab Fellow, looks back on his experience and notes, “Nowhere else can you find such intensely smart, passionately curious, incredibly kind, and all-around wonderful people all in one place.” We couldn’t agree more.

Collaboration is key

If you’re interested in applying to be a part of the next CoLab Fellowship, please sign up for our mailing list to hear about our next makeathon, where we’ll recruit our January class!



IDEO CoLab Ventures
IDEO CoLab Ventures

Bold ideas for a better tomorrow. Using a design lens, we partner with visionary founders to help them create products and protocols that people love.