How To Make Life Authentic

Swapnasree Saha
Published in
5 min readDec 7, 2020

Think About Your Younger Self
Sometimes it is easy to induce lost within the world that we’ve created. When you’ve lived for thus a few years trying to be or act a particular way, it is difficult to recollect who you’re. If you wish to be more authentic it can help to remember to childhood. What were the items that mattered to you? How was your personality before the skin world heavily influenced you? What made you cheerful or sad? What were you passionate about?
While it’s normal for your interests to alter over the years, some things shouldn’t change. Taking time to give some thought to who you were before you started trying to “fit in” with the globe around you’ll be able to facilitate you to seek out that place of authenticity.

Write Down Your Values
Your values are a crucial a part of your authentic self, and that they aren’t something that somebody else can determine for you. Spend time pondering what your values are in life. Once you have got stayed pondering this and you recognize what’s important to you, you may be able to start using those value in your everyday life. after you are setting your schedule or having conversations with others, you’ll be able to remember what your values are and confirm they’re playing a task in what you’re doing.

Stop Playing the Comparison Game
When you constantly compare yourself to others, it’s hard to need to be your true self. you’re constantly seeing others that you simply think are previous you in certain areas or that are having great success in life. this may cause you to require to mimic what they’re doing to possess what they need. Doing this steals your authenticity.
Instead of comparing yourself to others, celebrate the success of others with them. Be happy for them once they will be who they’re. Then, specialise in doing the identical for yourself. Not only will you be more authentic, but you may be much happier still.

Learn to alter Your Thinking
Changing your thoughts goes to be an enormous a part of learning the way to live authentically. this might include learning a way to overcome fear-based thinking. If you haven’t been authentic because you’re fearful of what others will consider you, then you are going to own to be told a way to change your thinking.
This starts by learning a way to identify which thoughts are contributing to an inauthentic lifestyle. Once you recognize what those thoughts are, it becomes easier to spot them as you approach your day. work on being attentive to your thoughts so you’ll catch them after they happen. The second step in changing your thoughts is selecting better thoughts to switch the old ones with. this enables you to purposefully move forward within the direction that you simply want to travel, of being more authentic.
Changing your thinking are often a sophisticated process. If you’re fighting identifying the incorrect thoughts that you just have or what you ought to be replacing them with, lecture a licensed therapist can help. There are different varieties of therapy, like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, that are supported the concept of learning a way to change your thinking.

Be Honest with Yourself
If you’re visiting be authentic, you are going to possess to find out the way to be honest. meaning you wish to spot all those little white lies that you just are telling yourself et al. Stop putting on an act and pretending to be an individual that you are not.
Sometimes we tell these little lies because we do not want people to determine our flaws. But you cannot live an authentic life if you do not live an honest life. This starts by being honest to yourself. Only then will you truly be able, to be honest with others similarly. Stop pretending to love things that you simply loathe or don’t like things that you just do. Allow yourself to understand that perfection isn’t real and it’s OK.

Meet with a Therapist
Sometimes the hang-ups that we’re handling in life make it difficult to find out a way to be authentic truly. It may well be that you just struggle with low self-esteem or that you just were a victim of emotional abuse for years. Many situations can make authentic living complicated. But that does not mean that you just should quit on the thought of it.
Talking with a licensed therapist, like those at ReGain, can facilitate your learn to measure authentically. Doing so will facilitate your to enhance your life and your relationships, including those closest to you. do not be afraid to succeed in out for help in learning the way to be authentic in your standard of living. it’ll take some work on first, but with the correct effort and possibly a touch help from a therapist, you’ll drastically change your life for the higher.

