What do you do when you’re anxious or depressed?

Arnold Gamboa
One Point
Published in
5 min readAug 31, 2020

Things are not going well. This pandemic has affected us all. Maybe you are experiencing anxiety or depression because of this. Let’s talk about it in the next few minutes.

As soon as the World Health Organization declared the pandemic and the whole world stopped — my first reaction was shock. And then fear. Fear of what might happen next. If businesses stop operating, I thought, will I still be able to sustain my family? Will I lose income? And to be honest, as this lock down dragged on, fear of the future has turned to some kind of anxiety and at times depression. Alam nyo yung feeling na parang wala kang magawa. Hindi mo alam ang gagawin mo. I feel down and sometimes can’t concentrate with what I’m doing because of the thought of an uncertain future.

Can you relate? I know some of you do. Maybe you can share in the comments below, “What’s keeping you awake at night nowadays?” I know of people who lost their jobs. Some actually lost their loved ones. I have a few friends that have contracted Covid19. Some have relationship issues and this crisis has magnified that. And this extended lock down that has disrupted our lives, our plans, our future — it resulted to people experiencing various degrees of depression and anxiety.

In fact, there’s a recent new article CNN Philippines released about this. it said that “the national government is asking help from religious leaders to provide counsel and guidance to their members, citing a reportedly alarming increase in the number of suicides during the raging pandemic.” It added that “this is in line with the loss of employment and the anxiety brought about by the “dread” of the coronavirus pandemic.”

The article mentioned several people took their own lives because of this. Of course, we don’t want that to happen. That’s not the right thing to do.

But this highlighted the fact that depression and anxiety, especially during this crisis, is a real thing for some of you, for some of US — in fact it could be for the majority of us today.

So, what do you do when you feel anxious and depressed?

I’d like to talk about anxiety and depression wholistically. I mean, it’s a complicated subject and I don’t want to come across as an expert in this subject. Anxiety and depression can be physiological. Sometimes it’s mental. If you feel that’s you, don’t be afraid to talk to a professional. Seek help. I know it’s taboo here in the Philippines to talk about these things. But I urge you, don’t be ashamed, take that step. I’m putting all the information you need, the number to call — down bellow in the description section. If you’re overwhelmed by anxiety and depression, take that step.

You can call your friends, too. Talk to them about your struggles. I’ve created a video that talks about the importance of friendships especially in these times of crisis. You can also check that out.

But I also think that anxiety and depression is a spiritual issue, so let’s talk about that.

I believe that we’re spiritual beings, not just physical beings. If you don’t believe that we’re spiritual beings, that’s a good topic to talk about in another video. For now, let me assure you that you are a living soul, that you have a spirit. Remember that common phrase whenever you feel depressed, you’d say, “My spirit is down.” That’s where this expression came from.

Let me tell you that talking to God, the spiritual Being who created you, can lift your spirit.

Here’s our one point for today:

When you are anxious and depressed, talk to God about it in prayer.

Here’s some thoughts from the Apostle Paul who, when he wrote this, is in prison and had the all the reasons to be depressed and anxious. He said, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

He said that whatever the situation today, we can talk to God about it in prayer. In fact, whenever we feel anxious and depressed, it’s an indicator that you need to pray. It’s like the signal lights in your car’s dashboard. Whenever you see that blinking fuel light, it’s an indicator that you need to go to the gas station.

Same thing with fear and anxiety. Whenever you feel anxious, it’s an indicator that we need to come to God in prayer.

Now, I know for some of us, we grew up thinking that prayer is a tradition, it’s a ritual, it’s repetitive words. And I’m not saying how prayer introduced to majority of us Filipinos are wrong. It’s just that prayer is more than that.

Prayer is a conversation with God.

It’s like my kids. I want them to talk to me in a very personal way, not in a rehearsed manner. I want them to be authentic with me, with how they feel, with whatever’s going on in their lives. That’s what the Father in heaven wants to hear from us in prayer.

Craig Groeschel said that if it’s big enough to worry about, it’s big enough to pray about. God wants you to talk about it with him in prayer.

So, what are you anxious about today? Do you worry about your marriage? Talk to God about it. Do you worry about your job? Talk to God about it. Do you worry about a decision you’re about to make? Talk to God about it. Are you worried about getting sick? Talk to God about it. Are you worried about the economy, about our country, about our future… Talk to God about it.

If its in your mind, it’s in God’s heart!

“But I don’t know how to pray. I don’t know what to tell God about. I don’t know the proper words to say.”

Just be honest with how you feel. Tell God what’s in your heart. “God, I don’t know what to do!” “God, why are you allowing this to happen?” “God, litong lito na po ako, hindi ko alam kung ano gagawin ko.” Sabihin mo lang kung ano nasa loob mo. God can handle your honesty.

What happens when you pray? Paul said, “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” There will be that peace that only comes from God, not from your job security, not from your relationships, not from anything else you have or doesn’t have today. Peace from God.

That peace is beyond our understanding. Something that you can’t explain. Some of you have experienced this peace. And you’d agree with me that you can only experience it but unable to explain it.

Ganon lang yon, that simple?

You see, when you pray, your spirit connects with God’s spirit. Remember I mentioned a while ago that you’re a spiritual being? You are created by God in his image — you can connect with him in a special way. And that is done through prayer. And when you do, see how God assures you of your special embrace.

When you feel down and fear is crippling you, just come to him with an honest heart in prayer. Try it. Because he listens.



Arnold Gamboa
One Point

A Filipino tech guy who reluctantly pursued entrepreneurship and now leads TeamSparrow, a team of web professionals. Serves as pastor at LifeCity Church.