10 Common Misconceptions About Ancient Rome

How many of these “facts” do you erroneously believe?

Sarah Scullin
idle musings


People really love the Ancient Romans. It’s cool that Rome is cool, I guess, since it means those of us who have bona fide degrees in loving the Romans can have jobs (So many jobs. The best jobs. Also the best unpaid internships money can’t buy), but one unfortunate side effect of this Romanophilia is that fake facts about Rome have spread as virulently and destructively as the famous fire of 65 CE.

Did you know, for example, that Nero didn’t play the fiddle while Rome burned in said fire?!? A of all, he wasn’t even in Rome when the eternal city conflagratated. And secondly, Romans didn’t even have fiddles, so … wrong instrument, bro. But also, he was, like, sad and stuff about it. Now, because people like it when you pedantically correct them about things they love, here are ten more facts you should check before you trot them out to impress the ladies:

1) Caesar’s last words were not “et tu, Brute”

… they were “hold my beer”

2) All roads don’t lead to Rome

… actually the roads were there first

3) The vomitorium wasn’t a special room for vomiting in.



Sarah Scullin
idle musings

Classicist, Writer, Mother. Former Managing Editor of Eidolon (RIP). Finisher of 95% of projects, 100% of the time.