Random Lists of 2018 Eidolon Articles

Not Your Typical Top Tens, Still by Number of Views

Yung In Chae
idle musings
3 min readDec 31, 2018


Top Ten Articles Without a Subtitle

10. Heather Harwood, “Who Said It: Horace or Millennial Rustic Twee?
9. Donna Zuckerberg, “So I Wrote a Thing
8. Yousuf Chugthai, “Revisiting the ‘Hellenistic’ Period
7. Savannah Marquardt, “The Nashville Parthenon Glorifies Ancient Greece — and the Confederacy
6. Adam Goldwyn, “The Byzantine Workings of the Manosphere
5. Bill Beck, “Trump’s Winged Words
4. Sarah Nooter, “How to Decide on a Classics PhD Program
3. Curtis Dozier, “Toward a Critical Edition of ‘If You’re Happy and You Know It’
2. Nadejda Williams, “There Are More Women Military Historians Than Ever Before. Why Hasn’t the Field Noticed?”
1. Melissa Bailey Kutner, “Hobby Lobby’s Museum of the Bible Steals; Does It Also Lie?

Top Ten Articles With Animal Art

10. Donna Zuckerberg, “Eidolon’s Tattoo Issue
9. LKM Maisel, “Whose Dead White Man?
8. Luke Madson, “So You Want to Get a Classics Tattoo?”
7. Donna Zuckerberg, “Catharsis Delenda Est
6. Yung In Chae, “A Myth on Campus
5. Sarah Scullin, “Putting the O-mega in the ‘Big O’
4. Djesika Bel Watson and Stefani Echeverría-Fenn, “On Not Knowing (How to Pay for) Greek
3. Denise Eileen McCoskey, “Black Athena, White Power
2. Bill Beck, “The Measure of a Man
1. Tara Mulder, “What Women (Don’t) Want

Top Ten Articles With Punny and/or Referential Titles

10. Andrew Tobolowsky, “No Other Gods Before Government
9. Yung In Chae, “A Myth on Campus
8. Sarah Scullin, “Putting the O-mega in the ‘Big O’
7. Djesika Bel Watson and Stefani Echeverría-Fenn, “On Not Knowing (How to Pay for) Greek
6. Emily Rutherford, “Dare to Speak Its Name
5. Sarah E. Bond, “This Is Not Sparta
4. Bill Beck, “Pindr
3. Yung In Chae, “White People Explain Classics to Us
2. Stephanie McCarter, “The Bad Wives
1. Tara Mulder, “What Women (Don’t) Want

(Note: the fact that this looks a lot like our regular top ten list should tell you a lot about how we title our articles…)

Top Ten Articles With “To” in the Title

10. Laura Hutchinson, “Pausanias’ Guide to Graceland
9. Katie Phillips, “How Parenting Taught Me to Let Go in the Classroom
8. Luke Madson, “So You Want to Get a Classics Tattoo?”
7. Denise Eileen McCoskey, “Bad to the Bone
6. Djesika Bel Watson and Stefani Echeverría-Fenn, “On Not Knowing (How to Pay for) Greek
5. Tori Lee, “How to Be a Perfect Bystander
4. Sarah Nooter, “How to Decide on a Classics PhD Program
3. Emily Rutherford, “Dare to Speak Its Name
2. Matthew Duncombe, “How to Quit Smoking
1. Yung In Chae, “White People Explain Classics to Us

Top Ten Articles Under Ten Minutes

10. Donna Zuckerberg, “On Hard Topics and Dirty Jokes
9. Andrew Tobolowsky, “Goodbye, Classics
8. Donna Zuckerberg, “This Is How I Have It All
7. Kelly McArdle, “The Tattooed Classicist
6. Bill Beck, “Trump’s Winged Words
5. Donna Zuckerberg, “What’s so Special About Classics?
4. Tori Lee, “How to Be a Perfect Bystander
3. Erin L. Thompson, “The Professor
2. Bill Beck, “Pindr
1. Bill Beck, “The Measure of a Man

You will always be top ten in Yung In Chae’s heart.



Yung In Chae
idle musings

Writer and Editor-at-Large of Eidolon. Pronounced opposite of old, opposite of out.