Things I’ve Said as Both an Editor and a Woman

Sarah Scullin
idle musings
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2018


Vittorio Matteo Corcos, “Dreams” (1896)

“It would be easier to just do this myself”

“This isn’t that bad when you compare it to really bad stuff”

“95% of my time is spent trying to find nice ways to say things”

“What is your point?”

“Wow, for something with a lot of promise this ended up being really disappointing”

“How can I reject this person without them feeling like I owe them something in return?”


“I’d like to invite you to walk that back”

“What are you hoping to accomplish?”

“It’ll turn out fine, I just need to trick them into thinking it was their idea”


“Too many words, not enough substance”

“Thanks for all your hard work, I really appreciate it”

“Thank you for your interest but this doesn’t meet our needs at this time”

“Can you clean this up?”

“I don’t need any credit, I just want this to succeed”

Sarah Scullin is an authority on both editing and woman-ing. She is Managing Editor for Eidolon Classics Journal and no, she will not hop on a call with you.



Sarah Scullin
idle musings

Classicist, Writer, Mother. Former Managing Editor of Eidolon (RIP). Finisher of 95% of projects, 100% of the time.