Writing While Mothering

By a Woman with Small Children and a PhD in Classics

Sarah Scullin
idle musings


“I edit this at night while the husband thrashes with fever and the baby leaks snot down my back. There’s whiskey and schnapps in my coffee.”

“You seem impressively together” my Editor-in-chief Donna Zuckerberg texts me, on the topic of how I’m managing work and life now that I have three children. “That’s never the case, I can assure you,” I message back. Donna replies: “the seeming is the important part.”

I get this a lot (it must be that the lipstick I usually wear gives a not-a-hot-mess impression?). People are always asking me how I manage to write, edit, and keep three children alive. “Lowered expectations” is my usual response. And to a certain extent, this is true. I don’t dress myself or my kids in clothing unless we are leaving the house, we eat a lot of takeout, I have an impressive tolerance for mess, and—horror of horrors—my Pinterest boards are bored fantasies, not to-do lists.

Don’t get me wrong, I probably do have lower expectations for certain things, but I also have a lot of help from my mom and husband and a superhuman ability to tune out noise. Because I get this question a lot, and because our society usually sends the message that women can’t work and mother at the same time (or at all), I decided to share my memories of what was happening behind the scenes of every article I’ve written for Eidolon or our editors’ blog, Idle Musings.

1. Making A Monster



Sarah Scullin
idle musings

Classicist, Writer, Mother. Former Managing Editor of Eidolon (RIP). Finisher of 95% of projects, 100% of the time.