I Don’t Love You Like I Used To • Jake Howden

There’s not enough electro-funk-slap-bass-pop, is there

Triana Butler
2 min readFeb 22, 2018


This is a great song from the Central Coast’s Jake Howden which kinda sits halfway between Marcus Marr and Chet Faker’s The Trouble With Us and Client Liaison’s Wild Life.

It’s an approximately-three-minute slice of pop genius.

This song has been added to our Pop Australia playlist on Spotify, dedicated to the best of Australian pop music.

This song has entered the idolthreat 5, our Spotify playlist of the five most important songs out right now that you need to know about. You can listen to it here.

Follow the idolthreat playlist on Spotify for the best new music you need to be across.



Triana Butler

'Ti' for short. Non-binary radio presenter and streamer. I ♥ radio, music, Pokémon, & TV.