Best API Security Practices for the Protection of Sensitive Data

Ting Teng
Published in
5 min readMar 1, 2022

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) offer a mechanism for app developers to pull in information from external sources. They simplify the coding process by giving developers access to a load of data they would otherwise be unable to access.

APIs benefit providers too. They create new revenue possibilities by making valuable data and services available, usually for a fee. Consumers are also winners. They benefit from innovative, feature-rich, interactive apps that provide many services all in one place.

But, with all this personal information swirling around, how can companies stay data compliant? Read on to find out.

Why Having a Data Security Strategy Matters

Faulty, hacked or exposed APIs lie behind many major data breaches. These types of instances shine a light on sensitive personal data that is not for public consumption. The consequences for a company can be catastrophic.

Data laws and regulations mean there can be eye-watering fines for any breaches. However, not all data is the same and how you tackle API security is going to depend on the kind of data that gets transferred.

For example, when an API connects to a third-party application, an individual might want to limit some information about them. That might include tracking their location but not knowing about their favorite vacation destinations.

Some Common Best Practices for Securing APIs

It’s vital for companies to adhere to some basic security best practices. They should employ well-established security controls if they plan to share their APIs publicly. Here is the lowdown:

1. Prioritize Security

API security should never be an afterthought. Ignorance is no defense when it comes to data breaches. Organizations should always make security a top priority. They should build it into their APIs while they’re under development.

2. Create an Inventory

It doesn’t matter if an organization has a few or hundreds of publicly available APIs. Any one of them could catch them out. That’s why a company must be aware of them in order to secure and manage them. It might come as a surprise that many are not.

A company should conduct perimeter scans to find and keep a list of its APIs. They should then work with their DevOps teams to manage them.

3. Implement Strong Authentication and Authorization Solutions

Weak or non-existent authentication and authorization are huge issues with lots of publicly available APIs.

Broken authentication happens when APIs do not enforce it. This often happens with private APIs that are for internal use only or when it’s possible to break an authentication factor easily.

Because APIs can offer an entry point into an organization’s databases, it’s vital that organizations operate strict controls to access them. When possible, companies should use solutions focused on proven, appropriate tools.

4. Use the Least Privilege Principle

Companies should only grant users the minimum access necessary for them to carry out their roles. This always applies to APIs.

5. Encrypt Traffic

Some companies may choose not to encrypt API data they consider to be non-sensitive. This could cover things like weather service information. Organizations whose APIs swap sensitive data such as banking or health information should always use Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption.

6. Get Rid of Information That’s Not for Sharing

Companies should remove any data that they do not intend to share. Since APIs are generally the tool of developers, they can contain passwords, keys or other sensitive information. It’s surprising how often organizations can overlook this.

7. Don’t Expose More Data Than Is Essential

Some APIs expose far too much data. This could relate to the quantity of superfluous information that gets returned through the API. It might also include information that reveals too much about the API endpoint.

This usually happens when an API leaves the task of filtering data to the user interface instead of the endpoint. Companies need to make sure that APIs only return as much information as is necessary to fulfill their function.

8. Data Access Enforcement, Thresholds and Firewall

As well as this, organizations should enforce data access controls at the API level. They should also monitor data and obscure it if the response contains confidential data.

Organizations should never pass input from an API through to the endpoint without validating it beforehand. They should also set a threshold over which further requests will face rejection. As an example, they might allow a maximum of 12,000 requests per day for every account. This can help to prevent “denial of service” (DoS) attacks.

Companies can also use what’s known as throttling. This means slowing a user’s connection down while still allowing them to use your API.

Organizations should always use a firewall that’s able to understand API payload.

9. Log API Activity

When a company suffers a successful hack to its system, it needs to be able to trace the source of the incident. This helps with reporting and putting any problems right.

Logging all API activity is important. If an attacker breaches your protective shield, you can then make a judgment about what and how it happened. This can all help to improve security and reduce the risk of similar incidents in the future.

10. Carry Out Security Tests

It’s vital not to wait until a real attack to see how a company’s safeguards hold up. Organizations need plenty of time for security testing as a way of rooting out potential vulnerabilities. They should test routinely, especially after any API updates.

11.Use a Scanning Tool

A scanning tool such as can help to limit any accidental exposure of information that’s not meant for the public domain. Clever technology will sift through files and documents and automatically pick out sensitive information.

This has huge advantages because manually performing this kind of process is time-consuming and ultimately expensive. Using a tool like frees up valuable time and effort better spent on growing a business. can save you time and money by reducing the risk of data breaches and enhancing API security. Try out and find out how it can help you and your organization with data compliance issues.

