Digital Identity Newsletter, April 2019 (#02)

News and views on digital identity

2 min readApr 1, 2019


The Future of Digital Identity is Simplicity, Decentralisation and Control

The magnitude of data breaches served as a wake-up call — an estimated 3 billion data breaches occur every year with the total loss of $600 billion through digital services. Is digital identity the solution?

This article was originally published on GSMA.

Is this the party to whom I am speaking? Digital identity meets blockchain

Digital identity has been a problem since the dawn of the internet and still remains challenging today. Even after 30 years, credit union members still have no way to present digital credentials to prove their online identities in the same way they are able to do in the physical world. In the physical world, credit union members can use government issued identification forms for all transactions that require photo identification. However, there is nothing like a driver’s license or passport that members can use for transactions online. Proving one’s identification online has primarily been restricted to biometric methods, such as passwords and challenge questions, which are both susceptible to fraud.” Stated by Julie Esser, Chief Engagement officer of CULedger, a Denver-based CUSO (credit union service organization).

But what happens when digital identity meets blockchain?

This article was originally published at

A Great Digital Identity Solution Is One You Can’t See

Identity solutions are an integral part of the digital experience — and consumers want nothing to do with them. By authenticating users, these platforms keep fraud at bay, boosting trust, clicks, and sales. But they often require consumers to jump through hoops — creating unwieldy passwords, for example, or entering verification codes from a second device. As a result, many digital identity solutions aren’t as efficient, effective, or commercially successful as they could be.

This article was originally published at

Refugees may soon be withdrawing their food from ATM machines

Food will no longer need to be shipped from abroad, packaged and repackaged on-site then scooped out for the refugees waiting in long lines. The UN’s World Food Program (WFP) and World Vision International will soon be testing food automated teller machines (ATM) in refugee camps where the food ATM will dispense locally sourced cereals, cooking oil and other fortified blended foods with the swipe of a card.

This article was originally published on UN Dispatch.




Open Source Decentralized Identity Solution