Digital Identity Newsletter, March 2019 (#01)

News and views on digital identity

2 min readMar 1, 2019


15 digital trends in 2019 according to ThreatMetrix

Looking to the months ahead, it’s clear that the 1 billion new personal identity records stolen in 2018 will only add fuel to the fire. With cybercrime expected to top $2 trillion in global losses, the sheer volume and crushing efficacy of cyberattacks will hit a new level this year. Here’s a look at what to expect in 2019.

  1. Fraud attacks go mobile-first
  2. Identity factories hit peak production
  3. A bot boom goes bargain hunting
  4. Financial institutions feel a credential-stuffing crunch
  5. AI breaks bad as cyberthieves arm up
  6. ’Deepfakes’ mean real headaches
  7. Alexa gives new voice to fraudsters
  8. The cloud loses altitude to new cyber-attacks
  9. Data consortiums essential to fraud prevention
  10. Simplicity comes to the tech stack
  11. Passwords bite the dust
  12. Breach disclosures hit the fast lane
  13. Breach disclosures mean bigger bucks for hackers
  14. Analyzing behavior delivers stronger protection
  15. The ‘Chief Identity Officer’ emerges

This article was originally published on ThreatMetrix.

2019- Digital Identity Trends

Radical change awaits the digital market in 2019. Here are 6 trends that will shape the future of digital world:

1. Ongoing pressure across industry for data privacy regulations

2. AI and machine learning as a double-edge sword

3. Protecting sensitive data in mobile devices

4. Monetization of mobile identity

5. Biometrics will continue to grow

6. Passwords will become a thing of the past

This article was originally published on Gemalto.

The case for digital identification

With the number an individual’s online presence doubling every five years and the concern for data security becoming more and more prominent, how has digital identity tackled these issues?

This article was originally published on Project Syndicate.



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