Feature Friday : Fly for Multiple Teams

Each Friday we are highlighting a new or recently added feature of IDRONECT.

This week, we are showing you the possibility to fly for different operators or teams while keeping only one logbook.

We developed this feature because we received some feedback that drone pilots often combine their flying job with instruction or examiner tasks, with flying in subcontracting etc…

So, we enabled multi-team in IDRONECT.

If you have an IDRONECT account as a pilot, your unique and nominative logbook is connected to your pilot account. As a pilot you can have different roles: pilot, instructor, examiner, student or observer. And those roles can be used for different operators.

The operator has certain assets: drones, pilots, accessories, customers and authorisations. The operator also determines the procedures and rules that need to be followed by its pilots and team-members.

As an individual pilot you can fly in the morning for Operator A and be an instructor for School B in the afternoon. The flight details for both flights will be entered into the logbook of the pilot.

How does it work ?

The teams you are member of, and the switching controls can be found under your user profile, in the upper right corner. Click on your name to open the menu.

User Profile Menu

Click on ‘Switch Team’ to see the teams you are member of. In the example below, the teams I am member of are AVIATIZE, IDRONECT and SQAIR Drones. The account which is currently active is AVIATIZE.

The teams you are member of

In this page you may add a new operator but most likely you will be invited by a new operator or company.

Pilots are added by the account administrator of the company / school / portal by going to the Team Profile page.

Invite a new pilot to your team

As an invited pilot you will receive an email with the invitation to join the operator’s team.

When clicking on the IDRONECT link, you will be guided to the notifications page of your personal IDRONECT account and you will see on the right side the pending invitation.

Pending invitation

When I accept the invitation, two things will happen:

  1. I will have added the new team DRONIGO to the list of available teams.
Extra Team in the list

2. In the team profile page of the operator DRONIGO , a new pilot will be available.

New pilot in team DRONIGO.

Now as a pilot, you can log in to your IDRONECT account with your email adress and password and then select for which operator / company / team you will work for.

Happy Flying !




Tom Verbruggen
IDRONECT  - The Drone Management Platform.

Aviation geek , Co-Founder and CEO of IDRONECT.com and SQAIR Aviation Projects. Writings about aviation, drones, SaaS, start-up life