How To: Create Drone Flight Scenarios in IDRONECT

Scenario creation is an essential step in working with IDRONECT. You can make scenarios long time in advance and save them for future use. A flight scenario can be flown more than once, and can be recalled as many times as you wish. So care should be taken in defining the scenario.

In the dashboard ( the first screen you see when you log in), click on the Create Scenario button.

Click Create Scenario

The following page will open.

Create scenario page

You will need to draw a flight zone. See also our guidance for use of the map and map controls on how to do that.

After you have select the flight zone and optional start- and stop-point you will need to enter the essential parameters.

In case your setting is standard set to Belgium, these empty parameter fields are shown.

scenario details fill-out

First , give your flight scenario a meaningful title. This may be for instance a customer reference, quote number or just an address. Don’t worry , it’s free text.

Then move to the next box. You need to select the drone that will be used to fly the scenario. When you click in the RPAS field, automatically all drones you added to the drone profiles will be shown.

Select a drone

You can select the one you want by clicking on it.

highlighted drone in list

If you want to remove it, simply click the x next to the drone.

Then it’s time to say how high you will fly (in meters above ground level AGL).

Select if you will be flying the drone Commercially or Recreational.

Then confirm if you are flying according to Belgian rules , other countries rules or simply indoor (if this is the case, then the risk calculation is deactivated).

The next thing to do is verify if you are flying in controlled or uncontrolled airspace. This remains an extra check to be done by the responsible pilot.

By now your parameter screen will look like this.

scenario created

There is a big red box on the bottom right corner saying that the risk class (for Belgium) in the current situation is 1B (this is due to the height being above 45m and also the weight of the drone being more than 5 kg).

Now there are 3 questions to be answered to conclude our scenario creation.

3 extra questions

These extra questions might have an influence on the risk class and therefore the required formalities towards the authorities.

Actually in this example we are assuming to fly over a gathering of persons, which makes the flight class move to 1A.

Class 1 A

To end this step of the process we confirm by clicking the Create Scenario button.

The next screen is what we call the View Scenario page or also Mission Control page. Here you can view the weather, NOTAM and other data, add or change pilots, link flight trackers, log or time flights etc…

Mission Control for scenario

The scenario with title ‘Training Scenario’ is now also visible in the dashboard for recall at any time. Viewing this scenario can be achieved by clicking on the Detail button in the line that mentions the scenario.

scenario in the dashboard



Tom Verbruggen
IDRONECT  - The Drone Management Platform.

Aviation geek , Co-Founder and CEO of and SQAIR Aviation Projects. Writings about aviation, drones, SaaS, start-up life