How To: Register for IDRONECT

It is as easy as 1–2–3.

1. Surf to

homepage IDRONECT

2. Click on ‘Go to my Cockpit’ or ‘Try it for free now’

This screen opens.

Sign In page

Click on ‘Register’ below the Sign In button, which opens the create account screen.

Registry screen IDRONECT

Enter the emailadress you want to use to manage your IDRONECT account and choose a password.

If you have received a promotion code from one of our distributors or via one of your referring friends (see referral programme), please enter the code in the last field.

Then click Register and you are done ! Welcome to IDRONECT !

With the email-adress and password you can then sign in each time you want.



Tom Verbruggen
IDRONECT  - The Drone Management Platform.

Aviation geek , Co-Founder and CEO of and SQAIR Aviation Projects. Writings about aviation, drones, SaaS, start-up life