How To : Use the IDRONECT map controls

Map controls Legend

Map controls legend

Search for a flight location

Click the Search Icon.

Search icon

Enter a streetname, place, city or coordinate into the search box.

The map will center on your chosen point.

chosen location

What do the colours mean ?

If there is a designated airspace affecting your chosen location, it will have a shaded colour.

For example in this case it has a magenta shading, indicating it consists of a Controlled Zone or CTR.

magenta shading for CTR

Or in this example a yellow zone for an area with variable activation times, such as a helicopter training area (HTA).

yellow shading for HTA

How do you know which airspace it is ? Just click in the shaded area. The designation will pop-up in a box.

In this case it’s the HTA13, restricted use with applicable height from the surface to 250 feet AGL.

HTA details

Draw the Flight Zone

Once you have selected your location, you can define your flight zone. You can define it as a polygon or as a circle with a radius around a centerpoint.


Click on the Create Polygon icon.

Click on the map for the first point, then second, third etc and close the loop by clicking back on the first point.

Polygon drawn


Click on the Create Point-Radius icon.

Click on the map to select the center point and then hold and drag outwards to determine the right radius. Release and the circle will be drawn.

Point radius drawn

Select start and end point

Click on the Set start / end point icon. The first click let’s you set the start point (green) ,the second click the intended end-point (red). Note:this is optional.

start point
start and end points

Country Specific Airspaces

By clicking in the Airspaces / Countries icon, you can activate (show) or deactivate (don’t show) the relevant airspaces for a listed country. In this example, the relevant airspaces for Belgium and France are shown.

country specific airspaces



Tom Verbruggen
IDRONECT  - The Drone Management Platform.

Aviation geek , Co-Founder and CEO of and SQAIR Aviation Projects. Writings about aviation, drones, SaaS, start-up life