How To: New Notification Procedure for Belgian Drone Pilots — May 2018

When you made a flight scenario as shown here below, you added a title, pilot and drone and specified the height above ground for your flight. When the airspace category is determined and other risk parameters have been checked in the right box next to the chart, the resulting flight class in Belgium is 1B. (Note: In other countries, other risk parameters and mitigations apply, contact us for your country at ).

A 1B flight requires a notification. A class 1A flight requires an authorisation and then for each flight under that authorisation a notification.

First click on the Create Scenario button on the bottom right.

Scenario Creation

When clicking on the ‘Create scenario’ button on the right lower corner, the following screen is shown.

Flight scenario overview

Below the overview of the parameters, you can see a Create Notification button.

When you click it the following screen is shown.

Notification Data Page

At this stage you only need to give the reason for your flight (left bottom input box). Don’t just write one word as the validation parameters of the BCAA may refuse it. This box needs to be completed. Other fields may be changed such as start and end time. Standard the start time is the time of opening this screen and ends 10 minutes later.

Reason of flight box

Then click on the green ‘Save and Send to Authority’ button.

Confirmation of Notification sent to BCAA successfully

In the overview of the notifications we now see that the notification has been sent and is pending acknowledgement.

When the notification is acknowledged by the BCAA, the Status button turns blue and you are able to download the form received from the BCAA.

You will also get an email with the same file.

The file looks like this (for a dutch speaking user)

Acknowledgment by BCAA

Now go fly your drone !

Happy Flying — Fly More with IDRONECT



Tom Verbruggen
IDRONECT  - The Drone Management Platform.

Aviation geek , Co-Founder and CEO of and SQAIR Aviation Projects. Writings about aviation, drones, SaaS, start-up life