Notify BCAA about class 1 flights from a newly designed IDRONECT 2.1

One of our commitments to our user base is continuous improvement. We launch a version, listen to feedback and suggestions and integrate the new insights into an even better version. Then we start all over.


That’s why we are unveiling today version 2.1 of IDRONECT, just two weeks after the major 2.0 release


Anyway, the buzzword for this new version is ‘Notification’.

The last step into becoming fully compliant with the Belgian aviation authorities (BCAA) flow for legally flying drones was the notification for Class 1 flights.

When a flight scenario is created, IDRONECT determines which flight class is applicable. For class 1 flights an authorisation (1a) or a declaration (1b) is required. These can be obtained at the BCAA and IDRONECT helps to fill the required documents. Once these authorisations or declarations are obtained (you will get a reference number from the BCAA); each flight needs to be notified.

If you haven’t sent a notification, you should not perform a class 1 flight.

IDRONECT takes care of this. At least 24 hours prior to the intended start of the flight, the flight is notified by clicking on the Notification button in the View Scenario screen.

If you haven’t sent a notification, you should not perform a class 1 flight.

We have also maximized our useful operating space and included a little product tour. The menu which was on the left side of the screen has been moved to the top of the screen, allowing bigger maps and eventually more features (see above Continuous Improvement).

With the help of your feedback, we are able to continue improving IDRONECT to make it really meet your expectations. If there’s anything you want to be able to do in IDRONECT let us know!

