30 Years of Delighting Hotels Globally

IDS Next Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2017

“Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.” –Demosthenes

30 years ago in 1987, on a sunny August morning, the founders joined hands together to start IDS, then known as Intellect Data Systems (IDS).

IDS was in fact a pioneering idea to build software products for hotels on a PC-based Local Area Network, considering that mainframes were the platforms of choice for data-processing those days among medium to large companies. Further to this experiment, IDS also launched the business with a new revenue model — to charge a monthly subscription fee to clients for use of our software and services. Monthly subscription fee model is now considered to be the revenue model of choice (SaaS) globally.

Fast forward to 2017. IDS Next celebrated its 30th year anniversary on August 27, 2017.

We were delighted and fortunate to host our 30th Pearl Anniversary celebration along with our employees. The theme revolved around our team members’ and leadership’s commitment of building the next-generation hospitality technology company. There were parallel celebration happening at IDS’ other regional and geographical offices worldwide. The whole day engagement was filled with cultural events like dance, drama, music, fashion show and more. We’d like to thank you for being a part of this journey.

Over the years, IDS has grown, acquired over 4000 customers worldwide and prospered.

Reflecting on the past 30 years of operation, it’s motivating to see how much IDS team has grown. We’ve truly built a global company and we continue to be the market leaders in the hospitality technology sector in India and all emerging markets across Asia, Middle East and Africa. This fearless & pioneering spirit is what has been the corner-stone of IDS’ successful journey thus far. We are proud that IDS have gained a sterling reputation amongst its customers, partners and competitors.

IDS’s pace and growth thus far has been possible due to the teamwork and dedication of all our past and present team members.

Onwards and upwards.

Below are some of the 30th anniversary celebration moments:

Suresh John and Vissal Mathew
Things always happen at large scale in IDS ;)
Binu Mathews, CEO
New Delhi Team
Sri Lanka Team

More pictures can be seen in below section.

