Top 5 Hotel Technology Trends to look out for in 2018

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3 min readJan 22, 2018

2018 has arrived and just like any other industry, the hotel industry is adopting new trends and technologies as we move into 2018.

Here are the top 5 hospitality technology trends that will drive more business for hotels in 2018 and further:

Internet of Things (IOT)

Internet of Things (IOT) is the technology with which all disparate systems / devices in a hotel are connected and controlled through the internet. Internet of Things is exploding and is rapidly making its way into hospitality industry as well. Hilton and Marriott are becoming the early-movers in the hospitality IOT arena with both the hotel chains testing IOT in few of their hotels to control lighting, TV and other devices. With IOT, the only thing you will ever need to touch to control the devices in your hotel room will be your smartphone.


According to Wikipedia, Blockchain is termed as “continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography”. The unexpected giant rise of cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology boom has taken the world by surprise. While every industry is making use of the blockchain technology in one way or the other, hotel and travel industry is no different.

There are already a few hospitality blockchain firms such as Lockchain, Trippki, Fujinto, etc. which are creating a platform of their own that aims to eliminate third-party costs(read OTAs) and promoting direct interaction with the consumer. By doing this, the hotels as well as the consumers eliminate costs such as credit card processing fee, OTA booking fee, etc. Thus, it’s a win-win for both the hotels as well as the consumer.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence is a concept that has long been used in novels and movies which is making a big foray into real world applications fast. In fact, the world got it’s first AI citizen few months back.

However, in hospitality industry, some hotels have already started implementing AI chat bots in some of their hotels and has gained popularity in terms of its help and usefulness from their guests.

Apart from chat bots, AI/machine learning is making its way into enhancing guest experience in hotels through customized personalized emails for customers based on their preferences and interests.

Virtual Reality (VR) in Hotels

Virtual reality is not just meant for games and movies but it also can be used to give the hotel customers a virtual tour of the hotel property or even better, a VR tour of the respective tourist destination where the hotel is located.

Marriott has already started testing VR in their New York and London properties and more hotels are expected to follow suit. Web-VR enables the guests to experience their hotel room even before they book the room

Voice-activated Hotel Rooms

With the advent of smart speakers and smart homes gaining more prominence in the mainstream consumer market, it is no wonder that the hotel industry took notice early.

Hotel chains like Best Western in the US has installed Amazon Echo Dots throughout Hotel rooms. The Guests can setup wake-up calls, play music, get news and weather updates and can even control the lighting with smart lights.

What other technology do you think has potential to help the hotel industry in 2018? Let us know in the comments.

