Design practices to keep in mind while building an iOS app

Vamsi Krishna
IDS Next Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2017

The key to success of an application in terms of usability, downloads and user satisfaction are “good user interface” and “best user experience”.


I strongly believe that the success of any application depends on its design, to start with. While there are many best practice guidelines about UI/UX for iOS available on the web, let us see six practices that should be avoided in designing an iOS application.

1. Bad app icons

Never use many colors in an icon, icon should be simple.

The Application icon should not have text — because, it is difficult for a user to read the text in the icon while in a smaller screen size phone like iPhone4S.

Left: Icons with text. Right: Icons without text

In the right side screen, application icons are very clear, and the icons are simulating to its purpose of being. Also human eyes are more effective in recognising images than text.

2. Forced registration

Never force the user for registration. Every application should have an App tour which showcases the application flow. After the successful completion of tour we can ask user for registration for any transaction/activity.

3. Improper navigation

Apple isn’t encouraging to use Hamburger menu in an app. Apple’s recommendation is to use a Tab Bar instead.

Here, the benefit of using Tab Bar over Hamburger menu is the reduction in number of clicks and easier accessibility of options.

Left: Hamburger menu. Right: Tab Bar navigation.

In the above image, to select a menu item, it takes two clicks. whereas in Tab Bar screen, it takes a single click.

4. Excessive branding

Never use excessive branding in your application. An easy example for this is the usage of an app name in all the pages. In a mobile app, every pixel is important.

5. Confusing animations

Beautiful and delicate animation throughout the app builds a visual sense of connection between people and content on screen. When used appropriately, animation can convey status, provide feedback, enhance the sense of direct manipulation, and help users visualize the results of their actions. Never use confusing animations, follow a pattern for animations.

6. Inappropriate alignment

The beauty of any app can be seen when the items that are used in a screen are properly aligned. Items like button, label, image should be given proper spacing in order to beautify our screens.

Proper alignment

The above image shows correct alignment of items with good spacing and proper leading and trailing of texts.

