The Nobel Peace Prize 2017

Institution of Engineers NITK
IE Weekly
Published in
1 min readOct 15, 2017

In a time of polarizing political paradigms, it is only apt that matters concerning nuclear energy and warfare take center stage. One can sustain a country for decades, while the other, send it to the third world in a matter of hours.

These matters must have played on the minds of the nobel peace prize committee when they chose to give it to the Australia based International Campaign against Nuclear Weapons, or ICAN, for short.

The group was launched by internationally renowned Physicists in an attempt to lobby for a global ban on nuclear weapons. Recently the group has started work on a worldwide treaty to try and do so. Other reasons for the award being given to ICAN might lie with the brazen and unpredictable nature of the Trump administration, North Korea’s recent nuclear missile tests and the uncertainty of the Iran nuclear deal with America’s new commander in chief.

