People of Yearn : RestlessMik3

Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2022
RestlessMik3’s profile picture

I had a chat with RestlessMik3, a Yearn Finance contributor who works on Spanish translation and onboarding new contributors. RestlessMik3 is appreciated for their strong work ethic, friendly nature, and initiative to spot new ways to help Yearn.

Q: Tell us a bit about yourself. How long have you been with Yearn and what team are you a part of? I’ve been helping with translations since September 2021 and more recently with yOnboarding with Glenn and Farrah helping new people to participate in the DAO.

Q: Tell us a bit about what made you want to join Yearn? I was aware of Yearn but wasn’t until a friend of mine who never stopped talking about it told me that there was a need for a Spanish translator that I went deep into the Yearn ecosystem. I was looking to go full crypto someday and to learn about Defi+DAOs so it was a perfect opportunity.

Q: What does your day with Yearn look like? Lots of TG checking, answering to DMs and @ from aspiring Contributors and fellow Yearn teammates. Advancing with translations, preferably the ones that are time-sensitive (announcements, newsletters, needed content for one of the internal teams). Working on the translations that need fixing in any way once those are checked by a fellow Yearn member and helping other translators when possible. Reaching and following up with people in my pipeline (Onboarding) and figuring out how to best help them in their path to start contributing with Yearn. Attending stand-ups, team meetings, and other Yearn activities when they are available and organizing to follow up on the next steps that surge from them.

Q: What are the most impressive parts of Yearn for you? The quality of its people. Smart people from different countries that are willing to help you and from whom you learn every day.

Q: What kind of impact do you want to have not just in Yearn but across the space? I want to be someone people could reach for help, ideas, and projects and to participate in the creation of the final version of Defi as it goes mainstream someday.

Q: What about the culture at Yearn do you like? I like the easygoing way of doing things, how Yearn encourages you to do things you believe in and how is not important who you are, where are you from, how wealthy or successful you are, just what you do, and the passion you put into things.

Q: What are some of your hobbies and interests? Leaving finance and crypto aside, I like gaming (strategy games like Xcom and faster pace ones like Farcry or Tomb Raider). I love music and nature and I try to expose myself as most as possible to it. I like martial arts (Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu) and boxing and I’m hoping to start practicing again soon. Dog owner and little boy´s father so that takes most of my time and energy now…

Q: Tell us a fun fact about you! A close friend had to almost bitchslap me into participating in Defi cause I was all about tech stocks and other stuff and once I paid attention to it I never looked back and hopefully never will…

