Yearn Finance yNewsletter #65

Published in
6 min readMay 31, 2023

Welcome to the 65th edition of the Yearn Finance Newsletter. Our aim with this newsletter is to keep the Yearn and the wider crypto community informed of the latest news, including product launches, governance changes, and ecosystem updates. If you’re interested in learning more about Yearn Finance, follow our official Twitter and Medium accounts.


  • Optimism yVaults boosted yields are live!
  • Dump.Services
  • ApeWorX Ltd Debut: Chaosnet
  • yAcademy
  • yAuditDao
  • Community and Ecosystem News

Optimism yVaults boosted yields are live!

25,000 $OP rewards per week, for 40 weeks! This boosted strategy is putting 1,000,000 $OP back into depositors’ wallets! Enjoy boosted yields and lower gas transaction fees on Optimism’s L2 Network. Depositing is easy, but just in case you’re new to the space, check out these step-by-step instructions:
ELI5: How to ape into the boosted yVaults:

  • Step1: Visit Yearn.Finance/vaults.
  • Step 2: Switch your network to Optimism. Depending on your wallet provider, you may be able to use the network selection feature in the top right of Yearn’s Vaults page:
  • Step 3: Select one of the yVaults reflecting “REWARD”:
  • Step 4: You will see a banner confirming that the Vault is receiving an Optimism Boost. Deposit and Stake your funds to receive OP rewards, and you are done:
  • Please Note: If you already have funds in these yVaults, or if you are zapping tokens other than the native token into its respective yVault (ex. zapping OP into the DAI yVault), you will need to select “OP BOOST” and manually Stake your yVault tokens for the additional $OP rewards:

Great work, anon!


Let’s first take a moment to appreciate Yearn’s marketing team, “yCreative”…yeah, Don Draper would be proud. Created in partnership with Yearn and CoW Swap, this convenient tool allows you to “dump multiple (different) tokens in a single transaction”.

  • As a single transaction, it saves you gas fees. It’s easier than exchanging each of those tokens individually, and as such, it saves you precious time… to dump moar.
  • Dump.Services is part of a suite of other dapps featured on SMOL DAPP, which is “a registry for small, simple, and secure dapps for all your needs”. Definitely worth exploring.

ApeWorX Ltd Debut: Chaosnet

In our previous yNewsletter, we discussed how Yearn utilizes ApeWorX framework in our protocol. Now, with some help from the community, ApeWorX has launched the first AI-powered testnet, dubbed “cHaOSneT”.

  • “The world’s first AI-powered testnet.” Fork chains, create unique scenarios, and then create virtual humans to interact with it all. “Three Core Powers of the Chaosnet AI”: Replicants, Time-Travel, and Simulacrum.
    Could this mark the end of traditional testnets? Either way, it’s AI AF.


A “trial-by-fire fellowship program” created to help improve the quality and quantity of competent auditors in the crypto ecosystem. Audits are done “communally, in a collaborative environment between our residents/mentors/guest auditors on one side, and our fellows on another.” This method of “shadow-auditing” enables both Fellows and experienced auditors to get real-time experience and produce their own respective audit reports.

  • yAcademy seeks to develop the best auditors in the space, and their program is highly competitive, with an acceptance rate similar to Harvard. As such, yAcademy has been dubbed, “the Harvard of web3 Security.”
  • Most recently, yAcademy has launched their ZK Auditing fellowship round:
  • Curious about auditing? Check out these videos from yAcademy’s youtube featuring top auditors and other guest speakers discussing their processes and the Art of Blockchain Security.
  • Anon, the crypto space needs more security pros and whitehats, and you can do your part by applying for a yAcademy Fellowship today! Maybe you’ll even find a home at yAuditDao after your fellowship?


yAuditDao deserves its own dedicated novel and commemoration ceremony for the work that they do in our space every day. “yAudit is an auditing collective made up of the best auditors hand-selected from the yAcademy training program.” Translation: yAuditDao is an elite team of professional codebase h̶a̶c̶k̶e̶r̶s auditors.

  • yAuditDao helps other protocols grow by providing a service that comprehensively reviews and tests the protocol’s codebases. The result is a detailed yAudit Report containing the auditor’s findings so that the protocol can continue to scale securely and effectively. Check out some of their yAudit Reports.
  • As Yearn’s auditing wing, yAuditDao also generates revenue for the Yearn Protocol. 10% of yAudit profit goes to Yearn, and this gross income generated by yAuditDao is split with Yearn before any deductions. Auditors are also paid for services rendered, and this top-down structure assists in maintaining a viable, self-sustaining growth strategy benefiting all those involved.
  • EOY Yearn revenue target for 2023 is $80k! Generating revenue during bear markets is impressive, and we anticipate growth as yAuditDao absorbs a greater market share in the crypto auditing space.
  • yAuditDao’s ENGN33R (a.k.a. bl4ckb1rd71) is a Security Auditor and Teacher at yAcademy who has recently been featured as a Guest Speaker at BlockSplit:
  • ENGN33R will also be a featured Security Auditor speaker at ETH Belgrade! Way to represent yAcademy and yAuditDao!

Need a best-in-class Security Audit for your Protocol? Submit an inquiry to yAuditDao here!

Community and Ecosystem News

Love for Yearn Finance goes beyond being the most callipygian protocol!

  • DegenScore is directing on-chain talent to help protocols grow, and Yearn wants to see how you can contribute to our protocol!
  • Yearn shares the following with all interested parties:
    “We (Yearn) believe the only thing that matters for those who want to build a better, open financial system is one thing — their contribution…” So, if you work hard and add value to the protocol, Yearn may have a place for you. Actual merit-based talent acquisition!
  • Behind the scenes, Yearn is working on AI systems and concepts that will benefit Yearn and its users. One of the concepts, “yNews”, processes public DAO data to create useful, digestible visualizations and summaries.
  • Rumors abound of AI serving as a catalyst for crypto this cycle, with many interesting proposed use cases.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading May’s yNewsletter. Remember, you are Yearn, and all of us can contribute to help create the changes we want to see. If you want more information (or even just want to say, Hi!), we hope you’ll visit the Yearn community Discord and Telegram channels!



Writer for

Yearn Finance contributor and yNewsletter writer.