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Helin Karakoç
Pubso Yayın Topluluğu
10 min readFeb 22, 2022


How can I understand, I am an entrepreneur?

Welcome to the article with the most clichéd and trapping question in the world of entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, although the entrepreneur is perceived as a few people who are pointed out by the public, it is not like that.Since the beginning of history, we are coded to venture. The only thing that has changed is that the peoples that make the enterprise are more civilized and that the environments that witness the enterprise become more modern. The technological enterprise of the past was the invention of the wheel, but today 3D printers; The social enterprise of the past was the transition to agriculture and settled life, but today it is artificial intelligence breeding villages…

The definition and work of entrepreneurship differ in that it is open to more change and development rather than what can be predicted over time. That’s why we decide whether we become an entrepreneur, not time or people.

Features that an entrepreneur should have


We said that everyone has entrepreneur codes. The main reason for the attempts made by the first man was the curiosity of nature. If you want to keep these codes intact, you also need to maintain your sense of curiosity, which is why these codes are there. You should be interested in everything around you like a crawling baby. The mechanisms behind everything should confuse you, thinking about what can happen when multiple things collide should make you fidgety. Because the entrepreneur also engages in knowledge. No day should ever be the same as your previous version, so you can add an update even to the current world.


An entrepreneur needs to share a lot of things. This includes sharing the work environment, knowledge, experience, time, pleasure and suffering. But since teamwork is the first ingredient in group ventures, the ability to share itself is essential for the entrepreneur.

Responsibility Consciousness

Whether you are pursuing a fundraising or non-profit venture. At the core of entrepreneurship lies the satisfaction of needs. And in the way of identifying these needs, empathy and sense of responsibility work in the foreground.

Diligence (strenuousness)

All these features are useless without hardworking. Just think. You have an insatiable curiosity; when you see a crowd talking about the developments, you rush to listen to it, when you see a team leaning around the table scratching plans, you can’t stand it and stare at the window. You are a sharer; You are very inclined to be curious and share everything you eventually learn. You have surpassed being an individual now, you have the head of a team player. Your sense of responsibility is high; you are sensitive to your environment and when you feel like you can contribute you want to intervene and heal that place.
But despite all this, you are not hardworking. It is what it is. You disappear like a feather when the people in the crowd you go to listen to ask you “what about you?”. You are curious about the content of every blog’s post you come across, but you accumulate lots of bookmarks with not reading but saving. Even if you are a sharer, you are incapable of saying “Oh, I will tell tomorrow “And sharing something you learned with a friend. You have a high sense of responsibility, but the part of intervening in the disorders you notice is an empty CV.
Soft skills are like ink in a pen, but you cannot get writing by just pouring ink onto paper. Diligence is exactly like the pen here. If you want to be a good entrepreneur, you should always keep your pen intact.

Having these features will always keep you dynamic in this regard. Even if you lose the necessary motivation, it will enable you to find it and action in a short time.

Nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

You have had lots of things like the various ideas you devised, your incredible research, your curiosity and your faith while you were beginning this works. It still exists and it will continue to increase over time. But now or when you near to give up, the only missing factor is that you do not remember all that stuff. You should definitely remember them when you talk to yourself when you feel that you are falling. The things you need to nurture your entrepreneurial spirit are the qualities and feelings you had when you started this journey. All you must do is remind yourself of these from time to time and add to it over time, and then you will see that you do not have an entrepreneurial spirit to nurture, you have an entrepreneurial spirit that is always with you, already nurtured.

How should I deceive where to start?

If you have decided to become an entrepreneur and you have ideas about it, do not stop and act! Do research on the startup you want to pursue (seeing what has been done before will inspire you). Look for data to form your own opinion. Make a plan realistically and see the result. If you are happy with the result and you are hopeful, continue. If you are not, and still wanting to be an entrepreneur, look at other sub-headings of entrepreneurship. Maybe you will find yourself there.

Starting an attempt at the university

Universities are environments with much more than we think. While some of us may see it as a place where we get high GPA and say goodbye to a fancy diploma and prom, most of our future is determined by what we do at university. An important part of “what we do” is the entrepreneurial work. In addition, our universities provide the opportunity to meet other people with whom we agree, as well as provide us with the necessary ground and opportunities to strengthen our opinion. It enables us to gain the necessary experience by keeping in contact with professors and associate them who are competent in their fields. Through clubs and seminars, it guides us in acquiring various networks and having ideas that will open our horizons, and we will be ready to university entrepreneurship.

As you can understand, academics are not there just to help us with lectures or internships. They stand ready to advise on all of our developments as well as our possible initiatives. When taking the first step into the venture, the difficulties to be experienced, how to go to the investors (perhaps at the stage of introducing your team to the investors 😊) and at the stage of making the venture a reality, academicians are the perfect fit. If you ask an academician if he has any past attempts during the conversation, you will find the attempts he made while he was a university student in the answer. Because an entrepreneur is an entrepreneur on everywhere and at any age 😊.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Gaining a network in university

First, what is networking in a short sentence? Let’s talk about it. We can guess that you do not like strange words, so we can say that the “environment” that when it comes to business our relatives constantly talk about is the network. Network corresponds to the people you can work with in the future.

So, what is the difference between the “environment” that the old people talk about and the normal environment, so what is not a network? Your circle of friends is not a network. People you say, “He is very smart.” But unfortunately, cannot show their intelligence are not network. Because, as we mentioned, we call potential business partners a network and it requires a little more than possibilities. In other word, if you meet everyone who attends a conference about business life one by one, you will meet e group of people, not acquire a network. If you want to acquire a network, first you must filter the environment and shoot the arrow in your hand at a certain target 😊.

Another reason to view the university as an endless resource is that it is a networking hotspot. I am sure that you are reading this article with a great potential, and you are planning to do great things in the future. Now, think again. Do you think you are the only one in the whole university where you go to the lessons every day?

That is why we call the universities network hotspots. Now, let’s see how you can find people who are “like you” at university and include them in your “network”.

University events

Various events are held at universities throughout the year. You can participate in activities in the areas where you are looking for a network. The events you attend may have workshops; at least there will be introductory breaks. These are very important for getting know people you can network with.

Social media accounts and Linkedin

Photo by Greg Bulla on Unsplash

We gave a detailed explanation about Linkedin in the Linkedin and Networking session of Career Days #1. Linkedin is a place where potential networks share their work and interact with the work they are interested in, so they market themselves. Also, the university/faculty/department may have Linkedin pages and groups. You can increase your interaction with students who have a Linkedin profile by becoming a member of these.
This also applies to the social media accounts of units and communities at your university. In their posts, you will often see active students of that unit. We are sure that these people can easily enter your network, just contact them without being intimidated 😊.

Organizations centering university students

When you look of your university during your development process, you will realize that there are many organizations that aim to bring together and develop students like you. Yetkin Gençler, Young Guru Academy, Yenibirlider, Insider, Genç Kariyer Academy, Habitat Derneği, Girişimcilik Vakfı, Gelişen Nesil are just some of them. Organizations like this generally accept you with your university ID. You can use this identity both to discover your active campus partners and to reach out of campus students with your mindset. Be sure; the world gets better as you cross your borders.

Photo by Diogo Nunes on Unsplash

Technopolises, Incubation Centers, Libraries and Study Cafés

Like individuals, teams can be won as a network. There will be times when you will transcend individuals and collaborate with teams. Maybe you will act as a bridge between your team and other teams 😊. Technopolises and incubation centers are the places where you can see the students worth cooperation in groups. If you do not have these at your university, never worry; geography changes, but the desire to produce something together never changes! In the group rooms at the university library, you will stumble upon a team working on a project. If the library does not have rooms like that, check out the study cafes in your city. Although there are no group rooms there, there are definitely some people around the table.

Do not hesitate to chat and express yourself when you find an opportunity like this. Because you may have just greeted and you’re your future business partners 😊. If you do not this, perhaps you may have finished the works that you will sign very well in the future before they even started. It is your choice…

Thanks to what we have mentioned here, the experiences you have gained and will continue to acquire (be sure, it will always continue) will open your horizon. You will have a very good network and there will be so few obstacles for your progress that it will be satisfactory in a short time. Your part in here is to be willing to network, express yourself and not be biased.

Advices for entrepreneurs

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Do not be afraid. We are all here in this track to make mistakes. If there are some people around you who planning for a impeccable retirement, that person probably believes Hulk really exists.

Turn your failures into experience; if you can, these will now be your new achievements in different contexts.

Respect people. They all are accommodating experience as much as their age. The other person’s character may not be worth your attention. Still, there are always parts to be gleaned, lessons to be learned and they are worth attention.

Never stop to reading!
When you finish this article read another one. Because, as above, while you are struggling to learn from people, some people will present their own knowledge as a ready lesson in their writings. Know how to take advantage of these concentrated sets of experiences.
Especially when these are shared on the internet for free.

Last Words

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Helin Karakoç
Zehra Koşarlar

