The Age of Automation

Mukul Aigalikar
Published in
7 min readJul 30, 2020

This is the second blog from a three-part series on Automation. Read the first blog here.

“Whatever you are studying right now, if you are not getting up to speed on deep learning, neural networks, etc., you lose. We are going through the process where software will automate software, automation will automate automation.” — Mark Cuban

From the simple wheel and lever to artificial intelligence capable of solving considerably complex tasks, the evolution of automation reflects the growth and advancement of the human race. With new and rapid advancements in fields like robotics and AI, automation has and continues to revolutionize all kinds of domains. In fact, according to a McKinsey & Company report, the existing technology can automate as much as 87% of work hours in production jobs and 45% of work hours in manufacturing domains like engineering and maintenance. Today automation is achieved using various means such as mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, electronic and computers. Two or more means are generally used in combination. Over the course of this article, we will look at the basic principles of automation, its application in manufacturing as well as daily life, while also having a glance at the extremely crucial field of robotics. Seems a bit heavy? To paraphrase my 9th-grade maths teacher, “well, it’s not as heavy as your heart will be when you realise that no one will employ you and you’ll probably waste your life away, just because you didn’t study now!” (I know, she was truly morbid.) So let’s begin, shall we?

A pair of industrial robots (automated systems). Image credits Thomas Insights

The Basic Principles

It’s the rule of nature that every complex body can be broken down into simple part(s). Automation is no exception. At its core, it has three building blocks:

  1. Power source :- Just like we humans need energy to accomplish tasks, an automated system needs a power source. Electrical power is the most common source, as it can be readily generated (with the help of sources like fossil fuels, hydroelectric, solar and nuclear) and it can be readily converted into other forms (like mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic) to perform a task. This energy goes into processing as well as transfer and positioning, which are the two general tasks performed by automated systems. Processing involves transforming a body from one state to another, such as giving shape to a metal, molding plastic or in case of a computerized information system, processing the data received. Transfer and positioning involves moving the automated system from one place to another while processing. It also involves precise placing of the system, when required by the process.
  2. Feedback controls :- A feedback control system consists of five basic elements — input, the controlled process, output, sensors and controller and actuating devices. The input is a value set as a reference for, or to help gain, the output (such as a set of instructions). The output is the finished product that we get with the combination of input and the controlled process (such as a metal sheet given a certain shape, where the controlled process was beating the metal sheet into the desired shape). The sensors, controller and actuating devices are peripheral devices that help in successful task completion, by controlling various parts of the automated system. These consist of devices like motors, valves, solenoid switches, gears, etc.
  3. Machine programming :- This consists of a set of rules or instructions that are used to aid repetitive actions performed by the automated system. The complexity of programming depends on the complexity of the system — while some programs have a limited set of instructions which the systems use to perform the same task day in and day out without variation, some programs containing more detailed instructions help for suitable variations in the systems' task (for example, changing the amount of force to be applied according to the raw material in front of the system, like wood or metal). This capability of making variations on its own is known as “decision-making capacity”. Decision-making capacity endows the system with various features like error detection and recovery, safety monitoring, interaction with humans and optimising the process. As you might have noticed, machine programming is linked to feedback controls, as it provides the instructions (input) needed for the feedback control system to complete the task.

Thus, in effect, power source provides the energy required for the system, programming provides the guidelines to complete the task, while the feedback control system actually completes it!

Automation in Factories

Here’s the funny thing — I could say “automation using robots” and it would mean the same thing, because in factories the only automated systems are robotic devices. These may be of various capacities and complexities, but at the end of the day they are robots. It should be noted here that when I say factories, I’m referring to the fields of manufacturing and production. So essentially we are looking at robotics and its applications in manufacturing and production.

Robotics is founded on two technologies — numerical control and teleoperators. Numerical control (NC) is the method of controlling machine tools using a computer numerical control (CNC). Earlier this was achieved using numbers coded on a punched paper tape (thus lending the process its name). Then MIT developed the Automatically Programmed Tools (APT) programming language, which is used today. A teleoperator is a mechanical manipulator that imitates human movements or instructions in real time (like a drone that can be operated with a remote controller). We combine these two technologies to get the robotic parts that are typically found in factories today. Robotics is used in factories today as follows:

  1. Automated production lines :- this consists of a series of workstations (a collection of computer devices or robotic systems lined up continuously), with transfer system to move the raw material between the systems. Each workstation performs a specific task. An automated production line can function for decades, and make millions of products in its lifetime.
  2. Automated assembly :- for small products of large quantities and simple design, assembly of parts is automated. Examples of such machines include automated screwdrivers, staking and riveting machines, welding heads and other joining devices.
  3. Flexible manufacturing system :- several tools which are required for production and assembly are linked together, and a computer acts as a central device controlling them all. Different styles of products can be made using this system, unlike assembly and production lines which can make only one type of product.
  4. Computer process control :- this term is used to describe processes which involve materials like chemicals, petroleum, foods and certain basic metals. The computer handles all tasks in the production such as measurement of variables like temperature, pressure, etc., looking for optimization, handling of simple devices like valves and switches, and generating reports for the management.
  5. Computer-integrated manufacturing :- this includes design softwares (Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing) as well as handling the business side of production like cost accounting, employee payroll and customer billing, all handled by computers.

So basically with a combination of robots and computers, the production and manufacturing field is being rapidly automated.

Automation in Daily Life

Now, automation has transformed every industry and sector, but we’ll only go through the major ones.

  • Communications: Electronic telephone switching systems today use sophisticated computers that monitor thousands of telephone lines, determine which lines require repairs and service, store the digits of each phone number, monitor calls, send electric signals, disconnect phone when call is completed, etc. They also document call durations, formulate bills, diagnose problems and a host of other functions crucial to the telephone industry. LANs and communication satellites also use automation. Automatic mail-sorting machines are in use in many post offices.
  • Transportation :- The most well-known application of automation in transportation industry is autopilot. A machine guides the aeroplane under normal condition, when 'automatic pilot' is switched on. Aeroplanes also have automatic navigation systems and instrument landing systems, which use radio signals from the ground while landing and take-off. While already in use in countries like the US, automated trains are fast gaining traction in India, with the Vande Bharat Express being the latest example. Metro trains, monorails as well as railway stations and subways themselves use automation on a large scale.
  • Service Sector :- In the healthcare industry, computers are used to record patient data and status as well as tasks like ordering drugs from pharmacy, etc. Bill generation and employees' record (like attendance and shift timings) is automated too. Robotics and AI have and will continue to provide numerous breakthroughs in healthcare. Banks use automation to process large number of documents and transactions, sort checks (done using the alphanumeric characters at the bottom of the checks) and keep records of bank balances. Electronic banking systems and automatic teller machines (ATMs) have made the life of customers as well as bank employees easier. Stock exchanges and various government services like tax and revenue depend on automation to function smoothly. Automated technologies like bar codes and credit card transaction systems have made the retail industry sleeker and less cumbersome. The travel industry has progressed by leaps as automation has made tasks like flight/cab/hotel reservation, checking for available seats, etc trivial for travel agents and tourists alike.
  • Consumer products :- Microwave ovens, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, home entertainment devices like speakers and televisions, AI assistants like Amazon Echo and Google Home suitable for both homes and private offices… the appliances which use automation, to however much extent, are endless. Modern automobiles use automation in features like clock, radio, even engine monitoring to elevate our experience.
The Vande Bharat Express is the latest shining example of Indian Railways’ march towards automation. Image credits Financial Express

It is then, an undeniable fact that the world runs on automation today. Not just the industries, us consumers also have become dependent on automation. With new advancements every single day, the field of technology is progressing at an astonishing rate. When technology advances, it affects every other industry, creating a ripple effect — and the ripple ends up affecting us humans, for better or worse.

This was second part of 3 part series. Link to third part:

Sources and References



Mukul Aigalikar

Just another young'un in search of... wait, what was I in search of again?