Why you should join IEEE right now?

Mrinmoy Sarker Turja
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2020
Join IEEE Today

Why you should join IEEE right now? Here are the top reasons. When you join IEEE, you:

1. Join a community of over 420,000 technology and engineering professionals united by a common desire to continuously learn, interact, collaborate, and innovate.

2. Get the resources and opportunities you need to keep on top of changes in technology.

3. Network with other professionals in your local area or within a specific technical interest. Mentor the next generation of engineers and technologists.

4. Use IEEE Xplore Digital Library for free. You can access our organizational facility and download any subscribed articles from IEEEXplore staying within KUET IP.

5. IEEE offers various employment and career opportunities for students and professionals from the engineering and technology sectors. Through its job placement opportunities for technical positions worldwide, IEEE looks to promote career progression among engineers and technical professionals from a variety of disciplines.

6. Network with other technology professionals. Establish a professional profile highlighting your accomplishments.

7. Join and participate in discussions on various technical interests.

8. Create a group to share and collaborate on projects.

9. Discover IEEE events and activities throughout the world.

10. Get maximum discount on publishing paper.

11. Subscription to IEEE Spectrum magazine which includes The Institute, electronic access to IEEE Potentials.

12. Access to IEEE Collabratec: IEEE Collabratec is an integrated, online community where technology professionals can network, collaborate and create in one central hub. IEEE Collabratec’s suite of productivity tools is available to technology professionals around the world, with exclusive features for IEEE members.

13. Access to members-only IEEE.tv programming.

14. IEEE ResumeLab — has been launched for member use! ResumeLab allows IEEE members to use customized templates to create resumes/CVs, letters related to the employment process, portfolios of past work, skills profiles, and video resumes. The product also provides members with the ability to conduct mock interviews. Finally, everything created in the product can be shared with colleagues, mentors, potential employers, the public, or social media via publicly available links. Go to https://ieee.optimalresume.com/…
to see information about the product.

15. Get an exclusive ieee.org email account by using which you can get free access to G-suit. Get extra disk space on Google drive. (30 GB instead of 15 GB)

16. Discounts on products and services, continuing education, philanthropic opportunities, and more.

17. Plus, you are automatically a part of your local IEEE Section and will receive communications about local networking opportunities, meetings, and special events.

18. Reception monthly Spectrum magazine (Engineering magazine most read in the world). Reception bimonthly journal The Institute.

19. Access to the registration of the 38 technical societies of the IEEE, whose publications and services have student discounts.

20. Recognition and annual awards a student's work (theoretical and practical).

21. Access to IEEE library that owns the Student Branch.

22. Contests international powers such as those offered by AT & T, Motorola, IEEE Foundation, Sun Microsystems, Microsoft, etc.

23. TryEngineering allows you to search for accredited engineering degree programs throughout the world. Search by country, state/ territory, city, degree field, or university name. If you don’t know where to start, Insights from Experts will help you along.

24. Compliance forums and top-level discussions — gain access to a virtual community forum for safety engineers and technical professionals by connecting with IEEE societies.

25. Being an IEEE Student member has its perks. You’ll have access to funds including travel grants, scholarships, awards, and much more! All to support your advancement to the next level.

26. IEEE members share their expertise with IEEE Students in the interest of the student's upward mobility within their chose field. Educational tools are also available to IEEE Student members in many forms including online resources.

Finally, the benefits of IEEE can’t be described in two or three words. It’s a huge community of professionals by joining which you can get huge benefits. So, join IEEE today.

