Khushi Rani
IEEE Women In Engineering , VIT
3 min readFeb 8, 2023

Digital marketing is basically online marketing which entails using digital media to inform the market about the company and encourage users to buy its products and services. Everyone in this internet age is preoccupied with their phones and computers. This raises the frequency of digital marketing. Nowadays consumers rely significantly on digital platforms to conduct product research. According to HubSpot Research, 77 % of clients conduct internet research about a brand before connecting with it. Meanwhile, 51% of shoppers say they use Google to study products before purchasing them.


As the global economy evolves toward digitization, the relevance of digital marketing grows by the day. Digital marketing allows reaching a bigger audience than traditional means and targets prospects who are most likely to purchase that product or service. Furthermore, it is typically less expensive than traditional advertising and allows one to monitor progress on a daily basis and pivot as needed. Because the majority of consumers use smartphones and conduct product research online before purchasing, digital marketing methods are critical for businesses. However, businesses all over the world use digital marketing to effectively target their clients online and via mobile devices — and many are experiencing a strong return on investment (ROI) as a result of these efforts.

Low Investment with High ROI

Digital, or inbound, marketing costs 61 percent less per lead than traditional marketing. Businesses that use social media advertising paid search, and other digital tactics spend significantly less on their campaigns. This is due to the fact that many businesses employ pay-per-click (PPC) tactics to cut expenses and target specific audiences. In general, digital marketing strategies provide a higher and faster ROI.

Ease To Know the Audience

Businesses can utilize data in digital marketing to target customers based on gender, age, location, interests, and education. Companies can also use different approaches and messages for each group to retarget potential buyers who are already familiar with their brand. Advanced internet marketing certificates can assist digital marketers in learning how to best target audiences.

Reaching Mobile Users

There are almost 14 billion mobile devices in the world, and that number is growing by the day. Because practically all cell phones have an internet connection, businesses can reach out to potential customers from anywhere, at any time.


Marketing was a luxury a decade ago due to traditional means. The cost of one billboard or delivering samples was prohibitively expensive for most businesses. Nonetheless, digital means have enabled all types of enterprises, regardless of funding, to sell their brand on a single consistent platform.

Digital marketing requires very little upfront cost. This is fantastic news for small businesses. Most digital marketing solutions provide basic functions for free.

Disadvantages And Cure

>>Time Consuming

Because time is the most powerful weapon in this day, the most significant disadvantage of web marketing is its time-consuming nature. You’ll learn what works and what doesn’t for your brand over time. Then you may organize your strategies and employ the appropriate approaches to reduce your time consumption. So, before you go into online marketing, you should have a solid strategy in place.

>>Security and privacy

The digital world is constantly evolving, and digital marketers face numerous obstacles. Businesses are adopting the digital realm to stay competitive.

They have faced a variety of cybersecurity difficulties, including phishing attempts, ransomware, and identity theft.

>>Anti-Brand Activities And Facing Negative Feedback

Another disadvantage of online marketing is the likelihood of anti-brand activity. In such circumstances, an individual or a group of individuals might harm a brand’s reputation by fraudulently disseminating stories about it with the purpose of destroying it.

Unlike traditional marketing, online marketing is vulnerable to the rapid propagation of a negative reputation. For example, any unfavorable comment, review, feedback, or complaint about your brand can quickly go viral, harming your brand’s image. As a result, your customer support team must be quick in resolving client complaints.

Written By: Khushi Rani



Khushi Rani
IEEE Women In Engineering , VIT

Student at VIT Vellore,BTech EEE 2nd Year, Member of IEEE WIE