FYI With WIE 2.0- Exploring Software Development Engineering.

IEEE Women In Engineering , VIT
5 min readAug 27, 2021

Software Development is a buzzword in today’s technology-driven world. Join us as we explore this vast sector in IEEE-WIE’s FYI With WIE 2.0.

Without software, all administrative tasks must be completed manually and on paper.

You would not even be able to read this blog right now, because the web app you are using right now is, in fact, software.

The portal where you upload your assignments? Software. The application you use to send emails?Software. Your online medical records? Yeah, software.

We are currently surrounded by software. In 2008, the number of people using computers worldwide surpassed one billion. There are 5.11 billion mobile phone users on the planet in 2019. All of these gadgets, we know, are controlled by an operating system, which is a piece of software with several integrated functions. This is the software’s function.


What exactly is software development? And why do we need it?

According to IBM Research: “Software development refers to a set of computer science activities dedicated to the process of creating, designing, deploying and supporting software.”

Simply put, software development refers to all of the activities that take a software project from conception to completion.

It is critical for businesses since it allows them to differentiate themselves from rivals and become more competitive. Client experiences can be improved, more feature-rich and innovative products can be brought to market, and installations may be made safer, more productive, and efficient through software development.

Software development is often conducted by software developers, software engineers, and programmers. These jobs may overlap, and the relationships between them may differ depending on the development department and community.

Software Development in Industries.

So, what are your thoughts on the size of the software development market? What does the software development industry’s future hold?

As companies prepare for the aftermath of the pandemic in 2021, it is critical to recognize the subsequent changes in the global software sales and marketing environment.

Today’s software development industry is a multibillion-dollar, rapidly evolving industry. We witness new disruptive technologies, strong software development tools, robust programming languages, software architectures, and scalable techniques almost every year, all of which are rapidly changing to improve the product’s functionality and security.


The most successful businesses recognize that digital transformation is about empowering their employees to continually produce value via deep consumer insights and quick iteration, not just about adding technology. This isn’t limited to IT businesses.

  1. The year 2020 emphasized the importance of cloud services being able to scale up or down as needed.
  2. It’s not only about functionality when it comes to software development. It’s also a question of usability. That is, regardless of the size or complexity of the program, users must be able to simply grasp how to utilize it. In recent years, user experience (UX) has emerged as a significant business driver, and it will continue to influence how firms develop goods and services.
  3. Given the conditions of the previous year, it is evident that AR and mixed reality will continue to grow for remote training, healthcare, gaming, and human enhancement to increase human skills by merging medicine and technology.
  4. While blockchain technology is most recognized for its role in cryptocurrencies, it also has a variety of other applications that all assist to avoid fraud in sensitive transactions. Some services, such as usage inside smart contract systems, are expected to grow in 2021.
  5. Firms are attempting to cut expenses as much as possible during the crisis year, and are doing so by reducing employee numbers. As a result, they may not have enough money to hire a full development team and would happily take advantage of the chance to create a needed software without knowing how to code. As a result, low-code or no-code solutions that allow non-technical individuals to develop websites or mobile apps are becoming increasingly popular. The average annual growth rate over the next four years is anticipated to be more than 28%.

Consider how the role of software businesses has changed through time to understand why software development is so vital to modern society. In the past, software companies were treated the same as any other vendor. You would place an order and receive a product depending on the specs you gave upfront.

Now, service providers have grown into strategic partners since every firm has become a software business. Their job is to assist businesses in understanding their consumers better and the competitive landscape, develop new solutions at a rapid pace and scale and offer consistent user experiences across different channels and formats.


Finally, the software development business is undergoing a major transition, with suppliers discarding their traditional “tech-focused” attitude in favor of a new strategy oriented on problem-solving and creativity. Given the enormous societal effect of software, developers are increasingly actively involved in assisting customers in achieving strategic goals by aligning around end-user priorities.

You must be having questions about how exactly software development is used in firms and what it takes to be good in it from the industry point of view. Join us on August 28th as we dive deep into the software development sector. Get all your queries answered first hand by an industry expert.

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IEEE Women In Engineering , VIT

ML engineer intern @Hyprbots | I write about tech and stuff