Technova 3.0 — Django at a glance

Tisha Chawla
IEEE Women In Engineering , VIT
4 min readNov 9, 2021

If you are a developer, then you must have wondered what is the technology behind the Chat applications, Video Calling Apps, and E-Commerce websites. Also, some of the questions like what is the major tech stack used by Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and all other large MNCs might be popping up in your minds? Yeah, you got it right! The Django framework is the answer to all of the above. The framework was developed at an approximate cost of $ 7 million.

What is Django?

Django is a free and open-source Python-based web application framework. A web framework is a set of components that helps you to build websites more quickly and simply. When creating a website, you always require the same set of components: a mechanism to handle user authentication (signing up, signing in, and signing out), a management panel for your website, forms, a way to upload files, and so on.

Fortunately for us, others long ago recognized that web developers confront similar challenges when creating a new site, so they collaborated and established frameworks (Django being one of them) that provide us with ready-made components to utilize. Frameworks exist to spare you from some of the expenses associated with establishing a new site.

Django web framework is a more effective approach to designing a web project than starting designing a site from scratch, which necessitates the development of the backend, APIs, javascript, and sitemaps. Web developers may use the Django web framework to focus on constructing a one-of-a-kind application.

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Why do you need a Framework?

To understand what Django stands for, we need to look at its services.

Consider a mailbox (port) that is checked for incoming letters (requests). The server must first be informed that we want it to serve us a web page. The web server reads the mail and responds with a website. However, if we want to communicate something, we must have some substance. And Django is something that aids in the creation of content.

Advantages of Using Django?

Make database management more Python-like:

Starting a Django project allows you to construct the whole data model of your application in Python without having to use SQL. Django translates conventional database structures into Python classes using an object-relational mapper (ORM) to make it simpler to operate inside a totally Python-based environment.

Django Web Framework offers a quick way to perform database interaction with your application. It has CRUD(create, read, update, and delete) capabilities, Http Response and cross-site scripting, user management, program administration, and other features. You import the packages, connect to your database, and then return to work on the parts of your software that make your product unique.

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Create dynamic pages with templates:

Because Django is intended for web app development, it requires an easy approach to generate dynamic HTML that presents your user’s unique data. The Django application generates dynamic HTML using a built-in template engine known as the Django template language (DTL).

An HTML template enables Django developers to blend static components (such as colors, logos, or text) with data (such as user names or locations) to generate a new web page on the fly. If you want your application to greet a user by name when they log in using a model-view-controller (MVC), you may create a template that shows static text (“Welcome to the site, X”) and then use a dynamic placeholder to automatically display the person’s first name from your database. When the website is rendered, the dynamic components will be combined with the static elements to provide a unified user experience.

Enhance security:

One of the most serious hazards for sites that take user-entered data is that a rogue user can insert code into their data, which can have catastrophic consequences for your system. Django templates automatically escape common HTML characters in every user-entered field to defend against such attacks. It will automatically change some HTML characters to make it more difficult for malicious code to be injected into your software. Django similarly defends against SQL injection, reinterpreting unapproved commands to prevent users from inserting their code into your database.

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Django’s security goes beyond its explicit security features: security efforts are bolstered by the vast knowledge and skill of the Django user community. We run the danger of inadvertently introducing a security vulnerability into our module if we design our complete web app from scratch. Because Django packages are widely used, open-source, and thoroughly evaluated by web developers, one may be certain that they will safeguard your data.

IEEE — WIE is here for you with another fascinating event, Technova 3.0, to boost your skills and learn actionable insights of Django. With mind-blowing takeaways, insightful explanations, engaging hands-on sessions, and a friendly Q&A, you will be in for a joyride full of great learning and experiences.

Stay tuned with IEEE-WIE VIT for more such events!

Don’t forget to register for Technova 3.0!

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Tisha Chawla
IEEE Women In Engineering , VIT

A tech enthusiast with good coding, managerial skills and an unquenchable enthusiasm to learn and explore.