The AI Showdown: How Gemini vs. ChatGPT is Levelling Up the Game.

Shambhavi Tiwari
IEEE Women In Engineering , VIT
3 min readJun 9, 2024

The fight that’s interesting to watch from afar- because it benefits us.

By: Shambhavi Tiwari on Medium.

Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

The world of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence is witnessing a fascinating duel between the two titans: Google’s Gemini and OpenAI’s ChatGPT. This vie isn’t just about bragging rights; it’s an impulse accelerating the evolution of AI as a whole.

Gemini, launched on December 6, 2023 and ChatGPT, launched first on 30 November 2022 makes us assume that ChatGPT is better than Gemini.

But is it?

Who’s better: Fast and Furious or Chatty Cathy?

Gemini seems to be an edge in processing power, thanks to Google’s quantum computing expertise. This translates to better speed and better efficiency in learning and adapting. Also, most coders (including me), prefer to use the Google AI Studio while making LLM projects; because of the ease it holds.

On the other hand, ChatGPT shines in its ability to hold natural, human-like conversations. It makes it easy to get ready-made (or should I say robot-made) essays and large texts within seconds. It’s focus on user interaction makes it adept at tasks like generating creative text formats or providing customer service.

For writing and creating documents, summarizing, general-purpose image generation and learning through conversations, I’d say ChatGPT is better right now. For this reason, it retains its place as the best that’s currently available: as said by Bernard Marr on Forbes. (Read here)

Why This Rivalry is Awesome.

Not all rivalries do YOU a favour. So here’s the cool part: while they may have distinct strengths, the competition between Gemini and ChatGPT fosters a twin synergy, as it seems. Here’s how it will benefit us in the long run:

Faster Innovation: Both teams are racing to develop new features. Gemini’s getting smarter and more accurate, while ChatGPT is learning new tricks like handling pictures and videos.

AI for Everyone: This battle is making AI more user-friendly. We can expect that within a few years, these AI will be made easier to use on all sorts of devices, and thus, becoming a normal part of our everyday lives.

And thus, let’s not focus on all the negatives that AI holds. Let’s shift our focus on how this AI rivalry can change the world:

Supercharged Assistants: Your virtual assistant might actually understand you and what you need, not just follow basic commands.

AI Revolution: From healthcare to education, AI is about to get a serious upgrade, making a huge impact on all kinds of industries.

If you’re not using ChatGPT at all, now might be the time to start. It’s saving some businesses valuable time and resources already, and it’s only going to become more intelligent, and more capable than its current iteration — the recent release of GPT-4 illustrates just how quickly this phenomenon is developing.: as said by Aaron Drapkin on (Read here)

The Road Ahead.

The Gemini vs. ChatGPT fight is just one chapter in the ongoing saga of AI evolution. This constant push and pull will undoubtedly lead to even more groundbreaking advancements in the years to come. As AI becomes more sophisticated and integrated into our lives, the possibilities are truly limitless.

The Future is Bright (and AI-Powered).

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The fight between Gemini and ChatGPT is just the beginning. As AI keeps getting better and more intertwined with our lives, the possibilities are mind-blowing. We’re not just watching this happen, we’re part of it!

Every time we interact with these AI models, we’re helping them grow. This team effort between humans and AI is the key to unlocking a future that’s powered by awesome technology.

Written by: Shambhavi Tiwari (Sophomore @VIT,Vellore)

Shambhavi Tiwari on Medium.



Shambhavi Tiwari
IEEE Women In Engineering , VIT

A tech student who writes wherever and whenever there's a paper, pen or tablet in proximity.