Cloud and Remote Computing — No need to invest in a new computer

Vishnu B Pillai
IEEE Student Branch DIT University
2 min readJan 21, 2021

More and more applications run on browsers on a company’s private servers. This means that your computer doesn’t have to be cutting edge for you to be able to do your job. Everything will be processed remotely. You only need a great internet connection and a computer that can run a web browser.

Cost-saving the biggest advantage of cloud computing. It helps you to avoid wasting substantial capital because it doesn’t need any physical hardware investments. Also, you do not need trained personnel to take care of the hardware. The buying and managing of kits are done by the cloud service provider. It offers a competitive edge over your competitors. It helps you to access the most recent and applications any time without spending time and money on installations.

You can already see steps taken in direction by companies like Microsoft or Google. Both the Suite and Google Docs are available online. It’s true that their functionality remains limited for now. However, in a few years, we could use the full Word, Adobe Photoshop or even DaVinci Resolve remotely.

If gaming is your thing, don’t despair. There are already companies working on the limitations of streaming games using the latest cloud technologies. While the experience isn’t yet equivalent to playing locally and enjoying great frame rates, don’t bet against anyone being able to play any game in the future, regardless of their computer’s performance.

