WiES.log: The Blogging Competition

A Blogging Competition with a difference

Devdutt Shenoi
2 min readMay 17, 2019


Great things never came from comfort zones…

Have you read the IEEE Spectrum Magazine? It is a treasure trove of current and updated knowledge in the field of Engineering. Do you have what it takes to write an article of such caliber? If you do, we have the right opportunity for you to showcase it!

With the WiE Summit 2019(The first edition of WiES) just around the corner IEEE LINK is here with a Blogging Competition, exclusively for Women Engineering Students of Kerala.


▪ The Blog Post should be written in English.
▪ Submission can only be made by an IEEE Student Member.
▪ The format of submission should be formal and professional.
▪ Topic of the submission can be anything related to Technology, Women in Technology or anything Socially relevant to Women in Engineering.
▪ Final Judgement shall be done by the WIE team of IEEE Kerala Section.
▪ The judging criteria will be based on:
-Topic Selection
-Blog Content
-Writing Style
▪ Plagiarism is not allowed, articles should be original content of the submitter.
▪ A participant can submit a maximum of two posts.

Do you accept the challenge?

Come, submit your write-ups in the link below! https://forms.gle/iVJaE3njNtYWPhYy5


The competition officially closed on July 5, 2019. The winning submission is Internet of Bodies — An Overview by Adithya Sailesh.



Devdutt Shenoi

I love telling stories, writing them down, blogging about them and adding some of my own photos in the mix. I moved to writing for blog.devdutt.codes