IEEEmadC Ambassador Program connecting brilliant minds from all over the world to work together.

Mohamed Rashad
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2017


As an engineering student, I’m learning how to solve problems, come up with creative solutions and one day after graduation helping to make lives better.

For a long time, I’ve been searching for that thing that can connect people from all over the world, regardless their nationalities or ideologies, after a long search, I’ve found that single thing.. It’s STEM.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are one thing that cannot be separated, put aside the arguments between who is better (these are mostly jokes) but almost every engineer and scientist, know how they need each other, and know how they all work together to make our little earth a better place to live in, whether by discovering how universe is built or by building new stuff, behind our civilization is huge army, generation after other, of engineers and scientists dedicating their lives for the good of humanity, it.

In my first year of college, I joined my local IEEE student branch, and proudly now I’m the Technical Director of this branch, in my 18 months as an IEEE member, I’ve seen how STEM really connects brilliant minds from all over the world, and lately, I’ve been been selected to be a Student Ambassador for IEEEmadC in my section (The Egypt Section).

After joining the ambassadors team, I’ve experienced myself how our cause and similar goal connects us, I’ve met very brilliant minds in this team, and I was inspired by how our desire to impact the world and make the humanity take a better step forward connected us, even when we are separated by thousands of kilometers, speaking different languages, and having different lives, it’s simply amazing.

IEEEmadC (Mobile Application Development Contest) is an annual competition where IEEE Student members compete from all around the world to make mobile apps that cause a positive impact to society, whether it’s a medical app, learning app or a communication app, you’re welcomed to submit your idea.

This year, the competition is open also for non-IEEE students, this means more brilliant minds can have a chance to develop cool apps while getting exposure for their ideas, and helping to make the world a little better..

The IEEEmadC project has positively impacted many people all around the world so far and most of our participants have continue to work in the field of mobile application development, developed new mobile applications and shared the knowledge with other students, an integral part connecting those student developers with IEEE are The IEEEmadC Ambassadors.

The IEEEmadC Student Ambassador Program is a program that recruits IEEE Student Members to promote for IEEEmadC in their respective branches and sections, educating their colleagues about Mobile Application Development, and helping people to apply for the competition, giving them the opportunity to spread their work around the world and help it reach the masses, they do this by organizing different workshops and sessions on mobile app development, and by inviting experts in the field to guide students and better prepare them for the contest, also by promoting the competition through various social media channels.

Only by our work together as a team, with the help of the Mustache Team of course, we can do our mission, and help more people to reach their potential and bring more innovative Ideas to life.

Apply today, and join us on IEEE side :D

IEEEmadC Website :

IEEEmadC Facebook Page :

