Story of IEEE Connected Learning

Sangram Chavan
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2017
IEEE Connected Learning App

They say necessity is the mother of invention for student exams are usually such desperate times. Same was mine when I was asked a presentation on secure software development as an assignment. These days before any invention comes google, the problem solver. Googling is like surfing in an ocean with the unlimited fauna of knowledge and material, you often get lost. And in my search, I happen to come across IEEE papers which would be of tremendous help to my assignment. Signing up for membership I was open to a whole new world of ideas through papers (I wished to write my own someday, though I hardly knew anything about the process) and a platform providing nutrition to curious minds. was one such platform by IEEE where there was a competition demanding an idea for a mobile app development. Thinking about which my current situation of not knowing how to write a paper inspired me for suggesting an idea of making an app to help and guide interested newbies like me to write and publish their own papers; So the idea was forwarded.

Within a week of my approach to my surprise, the forwarded idea was accepted and I was now to develop my own first app to bring my idea into reality. o_o Happiness was short-lived as the mist settled bringing up the reality, that I could make a benchmark in my life winning this completion but considering app development I found myself way behind the startup line. Having nothing to lose and the urge to learn something new fuel me to attempt with all my might, to give my best. Starting with googling again I learned most of the basics to make an app. With a month at hand and daily college to attend along with routine I did not have much with me, but the drive to fructify my idea took away my sleep (most of my college ongoing lecture hours), making the eve hours my peak hours, as a result some days ended at 4 or 5 am and yet somehow to my surprise I pulled off this juggle well. Of course, it was a teamed event but the condition for IEEE membership compulsion and my nature to work alone I happily welcomed the efforts.

Fluid UI helped me for my first design and it took me around 2–3 days for my design alone. Time was of the essence and running out with pace. I was in a quicksand and help was imminent, the IEEEmadC page did help but the real rope that pulled me out was Dinko shared the links which helped me sail through. Bunking lectures, missing rest hours, times lacking creativity, low times, ‘this is impossible’ times and many such hurdles after sharp 26 days my app was ready. Settling the minor fixes and testing, the app was submitted before the 30th though there was an extension of 10 days (too many efforts spoil the beauty or my kill your interest).

The brainstorming hours had settled, days were back to normal, they pain evolves and I could feel it! I had already won for now I knew my new capabilities and built an Everest of confidence, what more could, a newbie do. The seed of idea nurtured with the nutrition of efforts and dedication had its fruit (the app) passed through judgement and believe it they were the sweetest of all for I had won the competition, hurray!

IEEEmadC 2015

Results are always proportional not to once intelligence, a number of friends one has, how rich one is or what quality of education one has but it is always proportional to one’s individual effort, dedication and strong will fuel with desire. The more of these ingredients and the sweeter fruit you bear, thank you IEEEmadC, especially Dinko Jakovlievic, Dr. Josip Balenm, Luka Horvat and Igor Bedek for such a wonderful opportunity and a life enhancing experience. Also, the ocean of knowledge the Internet and surfing boat Google!

IEEE Connected Learning

Android App



Sangram Chavan

Entrepreneur and Tech Geek love to contribute to cause and faith in Karma