The birth and story of the iCode application

Claudia Padilla
Published in
5 min readApr 14, 2017
iCode App

T he application iCode was born of the need that as student of engineering is had to possess the basic knowledge of programming, to it adding the difficulty that exists on having wanted to choose a language of programming particularly to begin in the field of the programming, some with major difficulty that others and each one with his advantages and disadvantages, of there the difficult task of choosing the first language to enter squarely the world of the programming.

I gave myself the task of investigating the different difficulties presented by a novice programmer as I was and the fact and the fact and mystery of if it is better to start with an easy programming language or a difficult one, the answer that came was that it depended on The person and the method used to learn it. Although the ideal was to opt for one that was a popular boom. Confirmed that one person playing video games has a high percentage of acquiring knowledge quickly. While iCode can not be attributed as a game itself, what if you can say is that it takes various concepts that are used in video games and that make them so attractive and addictive.

iCode is not only intended to be an innovative idea but also an aid that students from anywhere in the world can count on, a need that as I mentioned above was observed and that was nothing more and less than supporting the student branch first to acquire knowledge in an easy and practical way.

That is why when the opportunity to help the student community in the programming area was presented, the investigation of information in websites and even in the student community itself on how to help them was vital to reach the conclusion that the way to support and Help was through the creation of an application composed of a certain amount of levels and in which the basic knowledge in JavaScript was made known; Chosen the programming language JavaScript because it is an easy, practical, and less tedious language when programming but above all by the boom of said language.

In the process of creating iCode came to my ears the news of the realized contest every year, the contest called IEEEmadC one of the great opportunities that IEEE gives us as members. The great opportunity that was representing the power to compete in a contest of development of mobile applications of great magnitude was the first step in deciding to participate. Although it was the first time I participated in a large-scale contest and of this type and adding the fact that the experience that had in the development of applications was not too much, it was not a factor to not want to participate on the contrary was a further impulse to To be able to show that with an idea more effort, you win, the mere fact of wanting to help and putting everything of you everything is possible.

With the idea proposed to IEEEmadC was only waiting for the jury to accept and go to the stage of development, for surprise the idea was accepted and now only iCode was to develop; with help from people who had greater knowledge of the JavaScript world and whom I consulted about that knowledge as well as many other people who served as testers the development of iCode took the right path. Although some days I looked at the dark road there was always a light that helped me to follow and many times that road was something that told me that I had nothing to lose, in that path that includes sleeplessness, days without sleep,combine University studies and the development of iCode was no obstacle, to that added the fact that IEEEmadC was of great help in providing a few extra days to the date of delivery of the application and that served for corrections and minimal modifications that were missing, five days before deadline my application was running and ready for delivery.

The wait was worth it, had finished and it was a great step in my life as an engineering student, a great step in my life that includes new knowledge acquired, the results were the desired thanks to the dedication and effort, having achieved the goal of “giving life to iCode” was one of the best prizes of my life.

iCode was delivered and evaluated by the jury of IEEEmadC 2016, the results were unexpected especially because of the fact that in front of my application there were a lot of applications of great quality. I was informed the great and beautiful news that had obtained the second place in the competition of IEEEmadC 2016, I could not believe it was great, I was dreaming :D.



That second place, that prize was a prize to the effort, dedication, not giving up, the experience that IEEEmadC 2016 was gratifying, was a prize for iCode that is not intended to reach only programmers, students or engineers with experience that much of his work is the programming or to those who just starting in that world as I am, but to go beyond to reach any person of any age who wants to know, learn and why not devote itself to the programming specifically to devote itself to know the great world of JavaScript.

Thank you IEEEmadC, thank you Dinko Jakovlievic, thank you Dr. Josip Balen, thank you Luka Horvat and Igor Bedek for a wonderful opportunity and an unforgettable experience. Thank you for the opportunity to be able to offer a contribution to the community through the creation of applications. And how to forget my partner of this great adventure Jonathan Vasquez thanks for the support, help, for joining to me and have given life to iCode.


iCode application to start in JS World

