Frameworks for Mobile Application Development

Akash Ramjyothi
Published in
5 min readNov 30, 2020

There are more than 6 billion people that are indulged in the maneuvers of mobile phones. Businesses have realized the importance of mobile applications in today’s era.

More than 2 million mobile applications on Playstore have been developed and introduced to the audience. Therefore, it is natural to have a cut-throat competition among app development frameworks. Whether it is for android app development, or it is for iOS app development, working with the right structure is vital.

Nevertheless, while aiming to develop an application, there are times when the user gets confused between the vast array of frameworks. Therefore, here are the best Android App Development Frameworks in the year 2020 that would help the user to construct their desired app.

1. Flutter:

Flutter is one of those modern app development kits (Google introduces that) which tends to construct apps like iOS, Android, and Google fuchsia ( a new interface that is produced by Google). This interface is known for creating and operating an excellent interactive cross-interface hybrid app. The latest beta version supports the professionals to construct apps with a single codebase ( for both Android and iOS) Flutter is exceptionally adaptable and robust. With the extension of a library of scalable widgets, it becomes a profoundly supportive interface. It also promotes the development of tailored interfaces with independent and appealing themes.

It is initially known for its feature of “Hot Reload”. The tool supports the user to obtain access to a wide variety of widgets along with the functioning of a dynamic interface with security. The interface is well recognized for its potency. It is a highly useful, compact Graphics Processing Unit rendering UI that provides an app to operate on multiple interfaces. The interface is well equipped with native ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) code that accommodates the user to create more tech businesses and startup enterprises. It can be installed into any existing app.

2. React Native:

React native is one of the most popular and widely used frameworks; reactJS was developed by the efficient team of Facebook. It is acknowledged as one of the several comprehensive and deepest Javascript libraries that are known for constructing a beautiful user interface. It grants all the users with a robust set of documentation and data that involves online resources. It hence presents a stable code that is there in the one-directional flow of the data or information. With this framework, the user can deal or have a high possibility in terms of server-side rendering. This means that it tends to fit well with any framework as it is only view layers. The most satisfying bit about this framework is that it has a smooth learning curve. Therefore it is secure, efficient, flexible, and therefore it is smaller in size. The framework consists of virtual DOM that tends to offer the user with good user experience and therefore helps them to improve the performance. You would be glad to know that there is an open-source library that encourages contributions.

3. Ionic:

Ionic is considered as one of the most popular and open-source mobile development framework, which tends to support cross-interface development. This is the app that tends to use a single code base, and when it is combined with angular, it tends to deliver incredible results.

To develop the structure of the application, it tends to use angularJS, and Therefore it provides a library of tools and components. This is the type of framework that is easy to adopt and Therefore, it is interface-independent.

It provides the software engineers with data binding and extensions to HTML’s syntax that are beneficial. Simple JavaScript is used to create this plugin. The user can access the mobile camera, Global Positioning System, and all the other stuff by accessing a few simple codes. When the user launches the app in the separate interface, themes are automatically changed, and it then maintains the natural feel.

4. Xamarin:

Xamarin is an open-source, cross-interface mobile development framework that uses the same code base for both iOS and Android.

The interface consists of Native Application programming interface access and also has a Native UI support. The interface consists of experts and professionals that tend to make up the colossal community ( around 1.4 million software engineers) The interface tends to target every interface and helps in an easy combination of the Application programming interface It can easily be tested over multiple devices with the help of cloud services. It provides the users with an Android Application Development tool for the interface.

Frameworks are considered as one of the essential tools that are used for creating mobile applications and web applications. It should be taken into consideration that every project and demand has a unique requirement. Therefore, the choice of the framework should be sensibly made after the user determines the necessary factor.



2. A Complete Guide On React Native App Development (

3. React Native vs Flutter(


5. 8 Reasons Why Your Agency Should Become a White Label Mobile App Reseller(

