All You Need to Know About Blockchain Marketing

Yuval Halevi
Published in
7 min readJul 12, 2019

If marketing is considered confusing, Blockchain Marketing is a freaking maze.

There are so many different strategies, channels, and approaches in a continually changing environment.

But hey!

That’s what makes a marketing campaign an adventure.

Over the last few years, I had the chance to run marketing campaigns for dozens of blockchain companies, helping our clients to raise more than $200 Million, working with some of the most exciting brands in the crypto world.

Here is what two of our clients had to say about GuerrillaBuzz:

Adrian Escude, PolySwarm CMO, PolySwarm raised $26 Million:

GuerrillaBuzz proved to be an exceptional thought partner during and post ICO. GuerrillaBuzz unique ability to make things go viral on Reddit and extensive expertise in content marketing and blockchain make them stand apart in an industry filled with questionable and unreliable vendors

Omri Cohen, Bancor VP of Growth, Bancor raised $153 Million:

If you imagine your marketing efforts as an army, Guerilla Buzz is like a super-advanced tank: a perfect support for traditional efforts or Incredibly powerful on its own. They are a highly recommended tool to keep in your arsenal

No matter what happens in your marketing campaign, remember this:

Don’t buy fake followers.

Many Blockchain Marketing companies are doing, to try to make their clients feel better when the campaign is stuck.

I genuinely believe that it's better to have a community of 300 people when most of them are active than a community of 50,000 when the only people who talk are your team and bounty hunters.

The crypto community and your potential investors can sense this as well.

Like my girlfriend always say:

“I can tell when you lie”

So let’s begin!

Which channel should you focus on your Blockchain Marketing campaign?

That’s a damn good question (I’m the one who asked it, so I just complimented myself).

By understanding where the crypto community is active and focusing on those channels, you will save time and money.


When it comes to the crypto community, Reddit is the heart, as one of the most popular sites in the world.

In Reddit, anyone can submit a link to different groups called Subreddits.

You can find a group on basically everything.

People in Reddit like reading high-quality content, and when they see something they love, they upvote it.

Reddit is a non-ending competition. Everyday posts are competing to reach the 1st place.

The posts that reach the top places can get thousands of clicks.

Communities you should focus on in Reddit:

/r/Cryptocurrency — 905,000 Members

/r/Bitcoin — 1,100,000 Members

/r/Ethtrader — 216,000 Members

Tip: When you submit content to Reddit focus on the community and not on your company/product. Think what the people in that subreddit want and work on creating content that will give them real value.


Established in 2016, Steemit is a blockchain-based blogging and social media website, which rewards its users with the cryptocurrency STEEM for publishing and curating content.

In three years, Steemit turned nothing into something.

With 12.72 Million views per month and an active community, Steemit is a great place to promote any blockchain project.

Much like Reddit, in Steemit, you also want to get your post to the 1st place to maximize the exposure.

Keep in mind that getting your post to the top spots in Steemit won’t give you wave of traffic to your site/article, as Steemit users get rewarded by staying on Steemit and doing different actions.

But showing up over and over again in top locations on Steemit will help you to establish your brand within the community.


Bitcointalk is a forum initially created by Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin on Nov 22, 2009.

For years it was the center of the crypto community (Until Reddit became an essential community).

With almost 8 million monthly visits, BitcoinTalk is an essential aspect of any blockchain marketing campaign.

On Bitcointalk focus creating ANN post (Announcment) which tells about your project.

Here’s an example for a high-quality ANN post.

You should also focus on being active in the forum, answer questions, and help the community.
Make sure you have a signature with your company name and link to your homepage to improve your brand awareness.

Don’t spam. You will get banned, and it will give you zero value.

There are a few other social media channels that are important in your blockchain marketing campaign.

You can read about the different channels here.

Blockchain PR:

Photo by Nijwam Swargiary on Unsplash

When it comes to PR, I always have mixed feelings.

In GuerrillaBuzz, we have worked with dozens of blockchain companies worldwide. Many of those companies reached us after they got ‘burned’ by large PR companies who took $50,000 per month and delivered nothing.

As you can see, PR is a crazy world.

A single article in a significant publication can cost you thousands of dollars and in many cases get you nothing in return (traffic, signed users).

And sometimes an article on an unfamiliar site can generate a massive buzz around your brand.

That’s why when it comes to PR you need a smart content strategy (If you plan to launch a PR campaign for your ICO/STO/IEO, set a call with my partner, it might save you a fortune).

Blockchain PR Costs:

It depends on many factors (How much buzz you want to generate, which publications you want to get mentioned at, how long your campaign will run, how many different articles you want, etc…).

In GuerrillaBuzz we’ve worked with companies from $5000 up to a few million.

At GuerrillaBuzz we’ve worked with companies from $5000 up to a few million.

The best advice I can give you is to understand that Tier 1 PR site (Forbes, Techcrunch, etc…) won’t necessarily provide you with what you’re looking for.

It’s a nice to put their logo on your site that’s for sure (which also helps build credibility) but having all your PR campaign on T1 sites will end your budget fast.

Creating a diverse PR campaign, distributing every article you release in the relevant communities, and writing quality content that gives your target audience high value, that’s the way to run a great PR campaign.


Marketers bearly talks about it, but in my opinion, it’s essential for any successful blockchain marketing campaign.

“Trust is built with consistency. “

Lincoln Chafee

By being present in the crypto community, giving value to your followers day after day, also after your IEO/STO/ICO ended, that’s the way to build trust.

I’ve seen so many companies that went under the radar after their fundraising ended.

By doing this, you destroy the trust and reputation you’ve built.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”

Warren Buffett

The importance of high-quality content in your Blockchain Marketing campaign:

Photo by Skye Studios on Unsplash

Did you know that most of the articles around are not being shared nor liked by anyone?

It means that there are millions of sites out there that write content but the only ones who read it, are themselves.

That’s a big issue in the crypto world as well.

Most of the content talks about the same ideas, too technical, tells only about ‘How we will change the world’ while the company doesn’t even have a single real user, and many companies only talk about themselves.

So what you should do instead?

  1. Find exciting topics within your niche.
  2. Dig into those topics and find some cool points and subtopics to write about.
  3. Then, start to write.
  4. When your content goes live, distribute it in the relevant social media and channels.

I wish you the best of luck with your marketing campaign.

Feel free to go to GuerrillaBuzz, read about our services and PM if you’re ready to get buzzed.



Yuval Halevi

I'm a traveler turned entrepreneur & marketing freak. Founder of GuerrillaBuzz, Blockchain Marketing & PR agency: