Vaishnavi Tangirala
Published in
5 min readSep 29, 2020


Life in a Tech Savvy World

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Our lifestyle has changed quite a bit in recent years due to the evolving technology. Don’t you think everything is changing so rapidly? Well, who knew technology would have such a great impact on our lifestyle, to be precise, on us. It takes our lives to a whole new level.

Our technology dependence has changed our real relationships. Everything I see around is becoming virtual. Everyday, we witness new innovations. Our comfort zones have been drastically enlarging. It has made lives easier but more virtual. Artificial reality has conquered our minds.

Our dependency has increased so much that for every minuscule operation, whether it be giving verbal instructions to a virtual assistant or switching on the TV, we use technology. Undauntedly, it has been leaving a remarkable and notable impact on human customs and routine and continues to do so.

Smart Homes

Living an organised life is beneficial and important. When things are smooth and systematic, anxiety reduces to a great extent. Well, smart homes help us lead a systemized life.

People can just blurt out verbal commands to their virtual assistant and it will switch off lights, close doors, and even help you operate security cameras. Security has also developed which makes us stress less about important items at home or at work.

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Effective Communication

Enhanced and improved communication is possible due to technology. While face to face interactions have proven to be the most effective to vent out emotions, technology has made it easier for us to communicate with our loved ones. Social media apps, video conferencing, and voicemails are playing major roles in bridging communication gaps. Time or locational problems are no longer vital issues.

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Smart Learning

The arrival of e-learning modules have brought in a lot of advancement in education. Online schooling gives flexibility and convenience to students all around the globe.

E- learning is cost effective and ensures consistency in learning. As all this learning is held at a large platform, it is easier for teachers to communicate and interact with their students very well. Resources play an important part in learning, and are easily accessible during web sessions, making it the best way for learners to learn at their own pace.

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Fitness is very crucial and has a significant impact on the physical and mental health. Being physically fit helps to keep blood pressure under control. When you are fit, your heart is less likely to develop the diseases found in many people today. Being fit is caused by physical activity, but such exercise also makes us healthier emotionally. It gives us a sense of purpose and reduces feelings of lethargy and depression.

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Now, let me explain how technology has an impact over our health and fitness Social media has been promoting the importance of fitness to a whole new level. It is a platform where physical health is being given a greater importance. This has motivated people to stay fit and healthy.

Various virtual training programs are being brought out in the market using which you can get a fitness instruction to keep yourself fit. A good social support always encourages your adherence to exercise on a daily basis. The increasing technology has led to the introduction of fitness apps which provide valuable information on the diet to be taken and assistance to a number of things as they vary in terms of categories.

A basic treadmill has been taken to a new level as it can monitor the heart rate as well as integrated television has been added into it. At the same time, new fitness machinery is being introduced at fitness centers on a regular basis.

Smart Transportation

Gone are the days when someone had to wait in long queues to book tickets for a trip. Today, just a simple click is enough to book flight or bus tickets. Automated ticketing systems and passenger tracking apps have corroborated many benefits. While the traveler has the opportunity to book a ride easily, the transportation service provider can also track the location of his rider.

Ride-sharing services and customized cab booking apps are the best assets for any traveler today. No matter where they are going or at what time they wish to travel, these services will help them get there without any trouble.

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Smart Hospitals

Technology has been really a great help to the health industry. It is shaping healthcare’s future with modern innovations happening around the world. Whether it’s a critical surgery or pathological examinations, the presence of high-end medical instruments and high-precision tools have minimized the possibilities of errors to a very high extent.

Even if it’s a critical disease, diagnosis and treatments have become easier than ever. Doctors and nurses are finding it easier to manage patient records and the cure is happening at the right time due to the efficiency of the tools used.

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Everything comes with positive and negative impacts. It’s on us to utilise the positives and avoid the negatives and make this world a healthy place to live in. Technology has been the primary force influencing our lives. Right from education to healthcare, we use it at a very high rate. With the growing inclination towards tech innovations, people can surely hope for a new transformation in human lives.

