AR and VR Are Not the Same!

Roshan Antony
Published in
8 min readNov 19, 2020


Today's buzzwords are Augmented reality, Virtual reality, amongst the many others. But what are they exactly, and why do they matter? In this article, I plan to answer some of those questions, and also give you a little sneak-peek on mixed reality.

The terms “virtual reality” and “augmented reality” get thrown around a lot these days, thanks to the resurgence of VR headsets heralded by the Oculus Rift and the use of AR apps and games like Pokémon Go. They sound similar, and as the technologies develop, they bleed over into each other a bit. They’re two very different concepts, though, with characteristics that readily distinguish them from one another.

What Is Virtual Reality?

VR headsets completely take over your vision to give you the impression that you’re somewhere else. The HTC Vive, the Oculus Rift, and other headsets are completely opaque, blocking out your surroundings when you wear them. If you put them on when they’re turned off, you might think you’re blindfolded.

When the headsets turn on, however, the LCD or OLED panels inside are refracted by the lenses to completely fill your field of vision with whatever is being displayed. It can be a game, a 360-degree video, or just the virtual space of the platforms’ interfaces. Visually, you’re taken to wherever the headset wants you to go — the…

